15 JUNE 1833, Page 9

On Saturday last, Mr. John Campbell, a young artist, shot

himself in a fit of temporary derangement. He was rather dissipated, and be- came embarrassed in his circumstances. His brother (Mr. Campbell, the sculptor), who had frequently lent him sums of money, called him a swindler, in a moment of irritation : be returned to his lodgings in great distress, and soon destroyed himself.

Mr. William Williams, surveyor, Islington, shot himself on Monday, near the Rosemary Branch Tavern, Shepherd Fields. He had for some time past laboured under a great depression of spirits ; owing, it is said, to several houses he possessed remaining unoccupied on his hands.

Mary Ann Edwards, a young woman whose husband had left her to reside with another woman in New York, drowned herself; in a fit of grief and insanity, in the Regent's Canal, on Saturday last.

William Wicks, a journeyman carpenter, who lived in Wells Street, Oxford Street, poisoned himself on Monday, with prussic acid, which be had bought in two portions wider pretence of wanting it to kill a dog. The chemist refused to sell him the poison, until be brought a woman named Wright with him to confirm his story about the dog; which, however, was all a lie. A Coroner's Jury sat on the body, and returned a verdict of Insanity.

Mrs. Mary Pritchard, a lady who resided in Clifford Street, Wands- worth Road, hung herself on Wednesday morning, by a silk handker- chief, in her back-kitchen.