15 JUNE 1867, Page 3

The famous Slade case has advanced a step. In 1825,

Miss lliostyn, living at Milan, married, or thought she married, Baron von Kiirber, an Austrian officer. She quitted him under a judicial separation, and in 1823 she was married to Sir Frederick, then Mr., Slade. Baron von Korber was still alive, and the single point is whether Miss Mostyn's marriage with him was valid. If it was, then Sir Frederick Slade's son by her cannot inherit, and his brother will ; if not, then the son is rightful heir. The evidence is exces- sively conflicting, the point being the competency of the priest to marry a Protestant to a Catholic; and two Barons of the Exchequer decide one way, and two the other. This is equivalent to a verdict for the defendant, but the plaintiff, General Marcus Slade, can appeal. The fight is entirely for the Baronetcy, the costs of the suit having swallowed the whole property left by Sir Frederick, amounting to 2,0001. a year.