15 JUNE 1912, Page 1

On Monday an Imperial decree was received at Warsaw commuting

the sentence of penal servitude upon Miss Maleoka to expulsion for life from Russia. Miss Maleoka was released from prison and arrived in England on Thursday. When Sir Edward Grey stated in the House last week that it was not impossible that the Russian Government would consider her appeal favourably, he very judiciously refrained from anticipating the best result that might happen from his representations. The provocative agitation carried on in this country by the extreme supporters of Miss Maleoka had rendered diplomatic intervention doubly difficult. That it should have succeeded is a proof, not only of the clemency of the Tsar and the reasonableness of the Russian Govern- ment, but of the judicious handling of the incident by the Foreign Secretary. It is, indeed, not too much to say that Sir Edward Grey managed to save Miss Malecka in spite of her friends.