15 JUNE 1918, Page 16

Under the title of Revelations by an ex-Director of Krupp's

(3d. net) Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton have published a translation of the text of the remarkable memorandum by Dr. Mahlon, first published in the Berliner Tageblatt of March 21st, and also of his letter to the ex-Chancellor, Herr von Bethmann Hollweg, repudiating all connexion with the German Government for which he had worked. Dr. Miihlon learned from Herr Helfferich, about July 15th, 1914, that the German Emperor had approved of the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia, which was delivered a week later, and that the Emperor was resolved that Russia should not interfere, even if it meant war. Dr. Mullion's evidence flatly contradicts the German official assertion that Austria acted independently in regard to Serbia. It would be interesting to know why the Tageblatt was allowed to publish it.