15 JUNE 1929, Page 17

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—Surely the Spectator is in danger of becoming Mr. Baldwin's Own Paper, judging by the trend of the editorial which, respectfully, seems to be losing some of its detachment, I suggest.

I believe my late father was one of the first to be prosecuted for infringing the law in respect of inadvertently failing to put the printer's imprint upon an election publication.

Mr. Baldwin, whose personal charm, as an erstwhile Conservative voter, I regard as the smile on the face of the tiger, was most indiscreet in using official -notepaper for party purposes. Why not blame him ? Equally so, those who were responsible for the publication lacked discretion, or the commercial asset of brains, I suggest. Blame them, although they are Conservative.

A first step towards happier public affairs might well be to recognize that Mr. Baldwin is a great party asset, however Imbued with attributes of personal charm.—I am, Sir, 86c.,

[We do not think that many of our readers will accuse us of being too partial to. Mr. Baldwin. In any case we feel that the then Prime Minister's use of his own official notepaper needs no exaggerated censure.—En. Spectator.]