15 MARCH 1834, Page 8


Lord Grey completed his seventieth year on Thursday last.

The Duke of Devonshire and suite have arrived at Malta onaheir return to England; which is now expected early in April. His Grace had visited Palermo after quitting Venice. His health is said' to be

quite restored.

The legislative hotly of Frankfort have repealed the law which limited the number of marriages between Jews at Frankfort to thirteen a year.

The German papers state that an old soldier, suspected of being im- plicated in the murder of the late mysterious: Caspar Hauser, has been apprehended on the information of a lady of Cologne, who has declined receiving the offered reward for the discovery of the murderer.

Sennetelder, the inventor of the art of lithography, died on the 26th February, at Munich, in the 63d year of his age.

A man named Polari has been tried, in Holland, for stealing the jewels belonging to the Princess of Orange. He was found guilty ; and sentenced to half an hour's exposure upon the pillory, with a board upon his breast describing the nature of his crimes, and to be impri- soned for the space of twelve years.

The Turkish Government have resolved to establish a regular con- veyance of letters, with a central post-office at Constantinople. A con- siderable revenue is expected to be derived from it.

All circumstances still tend to establish the fact, that while, since the harvest of 1832, the prices of [corn in France have been gradually filling, the money wages of labour have been as gradually rising ; and are now grown to a point that, upon careful and diligent inquiry, we believe it will be found that the average money wages of labour in France are higher than in the United Kingdom; and then, from the lower prices of food, and generally of the necessaries and conveniences of life, it clearly results that the real wages of labour are very consi- derably higher in France than in the United Kingdom.—Times.