15 MARCH 1856, Page 11


10th March 1856.

Bra—In 1765, Blackstone, in his chapter of "Husband and Wife," ob- serves, that even the disabilities which the latter lies under are intended for her protection and benefit ; adding, "so great a favourite is the female sex of the laws of England." In 1856, "A Cheshire Parson" denounces the law concerning "the relations of husband and wife as to personal security and property," as being "in a most iniquitous state." Encouraged by so Important an advance of opinion in the legislative sex, I cordially accede to your suggestion that the ground taken by the Law Amendment Society is that upon which it will be useful to pursue the discussion respecting the position of women ; trusting that when equal rights with the other sex as regards the disposal of property have been secured to the married, equal rights as regards the acquisition of property will be granted to the single.