15 MARCH 1873, Page 1

The situation in Spain remains almost unchanged, but the Government,

supported by the armed mob of Madrid, have carried their Bill ordering a dissolution, and three at least of the Ministers have assured Barcelona that the result will be a Federal Republic. The cities are tolerably quiet, and the Carlists make no progress to the South, but it seems to be true that the Powers have signified that they will not acknowledge a Federal Government in Spain. As we understand certain demi- official statements which have been put forth, Great Britain has not joined in this protest, but has signified that she cannot per- mit Portugal to be annexed without her own free consent. She is bound to this line of action by treaty, Portugal being one of the many Powers we have guaranteed, but we cannot help suspecting that she has gone a little further, and that a deep dis- trust of Federalism by itself has been conveyed to the Government of Madrid. We distrust it, too, in Spain ; but that is no reason why we should interfere with the internal affairs of an independ- ent State.