15 MARCH 1879, Page 1


1111E Times has received from its correspondent at Pesth a copy of a confidential despatch, dated January 26th, addressed by Lord Salisbury to Lord A. Loftus, to be read to the Russian Chancellor. It is a formal indictment of Russia for intending to nullify the Treaty of Berlin in the matter of East Roumelia. Lord Salisbury acknowledges the good intentions of the Czar, but declares that his agents are pursuing a course of conduct which tends to excite in East Roumelia the hope of union with Bulgaria, the administration of the two provinces being made identical. The consequence, when the Russians de- part in May, will be an insurrection, which will not be success- ful, as it has to do with far superior forces," but which might lead to a renewal of the untold sufferings that the country endured in the late war, and thus throw "a grave responsibility" on Russia. The Russian Government has not as yet replied to this despatch, though it might fairly have said that it was ad- ministering the provinces under the Treaty of Berlin, and in accordance with the wishes of the inhabitants. When it retires, there will be no suffering, unless the Turkish soldiers inflict it, and the British Government has only to compel Turkey to keep its soldiers out, as is also provided by the Treaty of Berlin. The Turkish Government can, if it pleases, prevent all disasters, by appointing the Prince of Bulgaria Governor of East Roumelia, and will be responsible for all the bloodshed which may ensue, should it allow a soldier to cross the frontier.