15 MARCH 1902, Page 25

NEw EDMONS.—We aro very glad to see a" third edition,

re- vised and enlarged," of the Further Training of Mounted Infantry and Yeomanry, by Major-General H. H. Parr (Gale and Poi& n, is. 6d. net). General Parr drew up this manual originally cn the basis, of experiences acquired in the South African War of 1880-81. That which is now, we trust, hastening to its close has afforded many invaluable object-lessons in the same subject. Much of the instruction that is given is likely to be very useful.—L• elves and Essays. By Thomas Henry Huxley. (Macmillan and Co. 6d.)—The Art of Ftction. By Walter Basset. (Chatto and Windus. is.)