15 MARCH 1913, Page 18



STR,—We are all grateful for your reproduction of that allegory, and look forward to the full text. "Dogma is of thg cabin" and faith on the open deck. The triumph of the Trinitarians has probably delayed the spread of the Christian faith for centuries and enabled Mohammedanism to gain ,so great a bold over mankind. The Trinity in unity is a meta- physical distinction. Unity is a potent watchword summoning all nations to one common brotherhood. The Atonement, properly understood, is another bond cf union. " Be ye one, for I am One, and I am Father, not foe." There is no pro- pitiation needed, no mediating priest; the priest and the Pharisee crucified Jesus because He was the friend of sinners. This plain teaching of the Gospels has been obscured by the controversies of theologians. Our place_ is not in•tba..close, heated air of the cabin, but on deck, where ropes have to be handled, sails set, rocks avoided.. If the sea is uncharted we need more watchfulness, more attention to duty. Our busi- ness is with the present, but we believe in the unseen port,—