15 MARCH 1913, Page 2

The Naval Estimates for 1913-14 and the explanatory state- ment

were published in Friday's papers. The Estimates are for £46,309,000, an increase of £1,234,000. The new ships to be laid down are five battleships, as against four last year ; eight light cruisers, against eight last year ; and sixteen destroyers, against twenty last year. There are also to be more submarines, two new river gunboats, a new floating dock, and other small craft. We are glad to note that there is to be an increase in the men of 8,500, which brings the total to 146,000. It is impossible in the space at our disposal this week to attempt any analysis of the Estimates, but rouchlv £2,000,000 more is to be spent on new ships than in the past year. We note with pleasure the official announcement that the Mediterranean fleet will in future consist of four battle cruisers and four armoured cruisers.