15 MARCH 1946, Page 4

I am glad to see the resuscitated Granta, though I

confess to some doubts whether undergraduates are prepared to run to is. 6d. a copy for a weekly paper. However, the paper is apparently not to be -weekly yet, and as it is there is abundant value for money, the issue, even in these days of shortage, being substantially thicker and heavier than the slim blue magazine of the Cambridge that I knew. Most of us are conservative in such matters, and I confess I prefer the make-up of the old Granta to the rather studied flamboyance of the new. But the old features, notably " In Authority," the biography of the week, are there, and possibly when the resuscitated journal settles into its weekly stride it will be more inclined to pursue continuity in vesture as well as in spirit. Its past editors like Sir Owen Seaman and Mr. A. A. Milne would hardly recognise their fosterling in its by no means utility guise. What is chiefly wrong, if I may offer a humble criticism, is the too obvious attempt at clever writing. In a rather long experience I have rarely known such attempts to come off.