15 MARCH 1957, Page 18


SIR,—In your leading article on February 22 you castigate the British Government foe'reiterating the bedraggled argument that nothing can be done [in Cyprus] until terrorism is stamped out.' Yet lower down you repeat the equally discredited suggestion that 'in the circumstances there is no alternative but to negotiate with Archbishop Makarios.'

Now, although it has been established that the Archbishop was the prime instigator of terrcrrism on the island, it was made equally clear during the weeks preceding his deportation that he had lost control of EOKA and its youthful adherents, who on several occasions openly defied him. So, even if he is still the figurehead of the Greek Cypriots as a whole, it would be farcical to claim that he could at present command a following among them, able or willing to honour negotiated agreements in the face of EOKA intimidation.

In spite of all you say, EOKA is not a true and universally supported nationalist movement. It is a Greek expansionist movement, recruiting most of its members among Cypriot youths and schoolboys, who, with powerful support from Athens, have succeeded in intimidating the remainder of the popu- lation. There is clear proof of this in the hundreds of Greek Cypriots who have had to be 'executed' by the terrorists, and even clearer proof in the great volume of information about EOKA which never- theless continues to flow in to the Security head- - quarters.

By means of this information EOKA is being slowly but surely wiped out. Until it has been destroyed there can be no profit in negotiating with any Cypriot. And even after its destruction it would be absurd to negotiate with Archbishop Makarios, who is personally and unalterably identified with the Greek conspiracy for annexation of the island.

In any case, Athens' unremitting support for terrorism, as well as her relentless propaganda cam- paign against Turkey, has now transformed the Cyprus issue into a major international issue, which only patient negotiation between the three powers concerned (as required by the latest UN resolution on the subject) can ever hope to resolve.

Until recently Turkey was content with the status quo on the island. She also accepted the Radcliffe Plan in principlie. But subsequent developments have made it clear that the status quo in Cyprus is unlikely to be maintained indefinitely, while the Radcliffe proposals could only succeed given Greek good- will, which is conspicuously lacking.

In these circumstances it is obviously desirable that-the idea of partition should be more carefully studied than hitherto. If this is done, it will be found that such a solution would be as just and as practicable as any so far put forward. It is further- more the only solution now likely to bring lasting peace to Cyprus, as well as stability to the Eastern Mediterranean in general. Nor is there any reason why it should not be carried out with as little friction a‘: attended the similar (but far wider spread and more complicated) exchange of lands and populations between Turkey and Greece during the years follow- ing the Lausanne Treaty of 1923.—Yours faithfully, M. A. PAMIR Press Attaché Turkish Embassy, 43 Be/grave Square, SW 1

[At no tittle have we said thal EOKA is a univer- sally supported nationalist movement. Like all such organisations, it is representative only of a tiny minority. Our argument has been that by refusing to negotiate with Archbishop Makarios the authori- ties have played. into EOKA's hands. Whatever his failings, the Archbishop is the only man who could hope to represent the Greek Cypriot population suc- cessfully in any negotiations, even against EOKA opposition. According to the authorities, EOKA was on the verge of being 'wiped out' eighteen months ago—yet violence continues unabated. And it would continue even if every member of the present EOKA organisation were killed or captured. It may be that Partition will turn out to be the only practicable solution; but there can be no solution of any kind so long as the British and Turkish Governments main- tain their present futile policies.—Editor, Spectator.]