15 MARCH 1968, Page 33



Sir: Uganda's Minister of Defence said last week: 'I think it is morally wrong for Britain to close the door to its citizens. . . . She cannot be blind to her international obliga- tions in respect of her citizens of Asian origin who reside in other parts of the world. . . . Commonwealth countries have as much -in- terest in this problem as Britain herself.' Britain's word and statements of intent are now finally worthless in the third world. Who can resist now the logic of President Kaunda's analysis of British Rhodesia policy? Should not Britain now be expelled from the Com- monwealth as South Africa was?

You were right to stress Kenya's culpability also. Kenya has recently expelled citizens of Asian origin. But we would add that the per- secution of Kenya's Asians is not solely in the interests of 'Africanisation'; white ('British') Kenyans are in general support when it is de-Asianisation. But, as the President of Uganda reminded Britain last week, there is no political entity called East Africa. Uganda and Tanzania are not Kenya.

Let us declare our interest. The family of one of the undersigned has served Britain overseas for two hundred years, and now finds he cannot enter Britain without special per- mission. Another has been out of Britain for ten years, and has the dread 'D' on his pass- port, issued in Uganda. Another gave up his South African citizenship to back British, in a fit of ignorant idealism, and is now effec- tively stateless. (The fourth is Anglo-Aryan- within the meaning of the Act.) We applaud your editorial stand on the issue in your 1 March number, and that of the one front-bencher with convictions, and the courage'of them. Mr Ennals, an apostle of other people's underdogs, now shows his true colour. Ex Anglia semper aliquid novi. Now it is Westminster parliamentary racialism.

Raymond Apthorpe, Professor of Sociology Noel King, Professor of Religious Studies Adam Kuper, Lecturer in Social Anthro- pology Donald Denoon, Lecturer in History Makerere University College, PO Box 7062, Kampala