15 MAY 1830, Page 4


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—ADOther week of inactivity has passed in our Consol Market. The business done has been comparatively trifling, and the variations in price have not exceeded a quarter per cent. The opening price on Monday was 921 to 1; on Tuesday it fell to 92n and, after touching 921 this morning, is now 921 to 1. The new account for July is open, and the continuation demanded is 1 to 7-16: which gives an iuterest of about 21 per cent. for money, low enough certainly, but yet consider- ably higher than could have been obtained a short time ago. The New Four per Cents. have been steady at from 1011 to it ; Exchequer Bills at 78 to 80 ; and India Bonds 80 to 82. Upon the whole, we have to remark that the op - portunities of employing money to advantage are still so few and limited, that capitalists, however disposed to consider present prices too high for safe investment, have yet no other choice ; and under these circumstances, a fur- ther rise in prices would probably have occurred, but for the illness of the King alone. In the Foreign Market there has been considerable business this week; and some of the South American Bonds, particularly Mexican, are higher, viz. 391. Brazil Stock is lower, viz. 731; but very little business has been done in it. Russian and Danish are also slightly depressed ; but the business has been trifling, and indeed the chief transactions of the week have been con- fined to Greek and Spanish Bonds. Of these, Greek have fluctuated between 46 and 481 this week; and Spanish between 161 and 19i. The Greek Market is very susceptible of change, and a single buyer or seller frequently alters

the price either way ; even where the amount dealt in has not been large. The Spanish Market, on the contrary, is much more steady ; but early in the week, the nerves of the buyers were very rudely shaken by the state of affairs in Paris, where a great fall had occurred. Prices have since recovered there, and a corresponding rise has followed here, with a very firm Market. In the Share Market, there is not much doing. The Imperial Brazilian As- sociation has declared another dividend of 31. 10s. on those shares on which 201. capital only has been paid ; but the dealings during the week have been chiefly in other shares of less certain character.

SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TWELVE.---Notwithstanding the gloomy reports of the King's health, all is quiet here—prices of Consols are a shade higher than yesterday, being 921 to 1, but there is scarcely a bargain doing in either house.

BRITISH FUNDS. Bank Stock, 215

3 per Cent. Reduced, 91+ a

3 per Cent. Consols, 921 31 per Cent. 1818, 8. per Cent. Reduced, 99+ New 4 per Cents. 1822, 101k lE 4 per Cents. 1826,

Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1860) 19 1-16th

India Stock, di v. 236 per Cent. 2401 South Sea Stock, div.33 per Cent.

India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, 1829, thereafter 3 Per Cent.) 83 Exchequer Bills, (interes lid. per cent. per diem,) 78 77 Consols for Account 921 1 FOREIGN FUNDS.

Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 73+ Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 381 40 Chinon, 6 per dent. 28 30 Colombian, 25 a Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent. Danish, 3 per Cent. 74 + French 5 per Cents. Ditto 3 per Cents. Greek 5 per Cent. 47 Mexican, 6 per Cent. 39 a Neapolitan, 5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 241 251 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 60 61 Prussian, Russian, 1101 III Spanish, 181 191 SHARES. Anglo-Mexican, 371. 381. Brazilian, Imperial, 781. 791. Real del Monte, 611. 631. Bolanos, 4701. 4801. Colombian, 91. 101. United Mexican, 191. 191. 10s.