15 MAY 1830, Page 6

FrnE.—A house was burnt down in Chester Terrace, in the

Borough Road, on Wednesday morning. The fire was perceived about four o'clock in the morning by the man who was going round to extinguish the gas-lights. He immediately raised his ladder to the first-floor window, and gave the alarm. Had the door been broken open, according to the established plan, it is out probable that any of the four inmates of the house would have es- caped with their lives, as the whole was one sheet of flame in a few minutes after they were got out. We are sorry that our contemporaries do not men- tion the name of the man by whose promptitude and good sense this provi- dential deliverance was effected., He is evidently not a person who ought to remain a lamplighter. The new police were singularly active and useful on 'the occasion, and for once a good supply of water was procured as soon as the engines arrived. FIRE AT B RID ronT.—Thirteen families were burnt out in this town on Friday night last week. The fire is supposed to have been wilful. EFFECTS OF THE RAIN.—On Sunday night, the Durham packet, which was loaded and ready for sea in Sunderland harbour, broke from her moor- ings, during the heavy fresh that was setting down the harbour ; and drift- ing against the next tier of ships, in a few minutes the whole were floating out to sea. The vessels soon after got jammed together for nearly half an hour, in such a way as to form a complete dam across the river. They then again broke loose, and drifted to the mouth of the harbour, where the whole grounded, the title being out. About seventy vessels have suffered more or less damage, and five or six have been sunk. A great number of keels have also been sunk, or drifted to sea and lost. A master of a vessel had both his legs broken.

Halifax, in Nova Scotia, was visited about the end of March with the se- verest snow-stores and hurricane which had been experienced there for thirty years. All the wharfs were injured, and the shipping sustained very severe injury.

DELIBERATE SUICIDE:A lad aged sixteen drowned himself at Port- bury the other day,tecause his mistress reproved him for behaving impro- perly in her husband's absence. Before he threw himself into-the water, he had tied a large stone to his neck by means of his braces. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict of felo de se. The body was therefore interred, at midnight, and without any religious rites.

The Very Reverend Dean Burgh, who has for some time laboured under mental aberration, has committed suicide, in the county of Limerick. A

pension of 1000!. per annum, which he enjoyed through his father, the cele- brated Hussey Burgh, reverts to the Crown.

A fine young woman, aged seventeen, hanged herself at Lee, in Kent, on Saturday morning. Her unsettled state of mind had been noticed for some time, but no care was taken to watch her movements.

Mr. Brooks, an architect, residing in Knightsbridge, attempted on Wed- nesday to cut his throat in the Union publichouse, Pimlico. He was fortu- nately prevented by the landlord. Want of employment had produced lowness of spirits.

Mrs. Sutton, the wife of a tradesman at Islington, having had a quarrel with her husband, on Wednesday night, proceeded to the back of the New River and threw herself into the water. A countryman passing by drew her out, and conveyed her home to her family.

An inquest was held oa Thursday upon John Leary, who had been en- gaged in a pugilistic contest with a man named Brown, in Rosemary Lane, and died immediately afterwards. It appeared that his death was not caused by the blows he received, but that excitation had caused a fit of apoplexy. The Jury returned a verdict to that effect.

ACCIDENTAL POISONING.—A child was poisoned at Belfast last week, in consequence of eating suite hasty-pudding, made with oatmeal, in which

was a quantity of arsenic intended to destroy rats. Another child, and the servant who made the porridge, were severely injured from the same cause. The meal was laid on the shelf of a cupboard without the slightest precau- tion as to its dangerous nature.

HEMLOCK.—A poor man, named James Molloy, was nearly poisoned a short time ago, at Drogheda, by eating a quantity of hemlock by mistake for parsley.

A fatal typhus fever is very prevalent in the west of Perthshire at present, which generally carries off the patient in the third or fourth day. Four in one family have died of it in the neighbourhood of Crieff ; and so fearful are the people of infection, that intercourse betwixt families is greatly inter- rupted.—Edinburgh Evening Courant.

IIYDIIOPHOB IA.—A surgeon, named Griffiths, expired of this horrible disorder, at Middlesex Hospital, on Saturday. He came to town on Tues- day, and was seized at his lodgings in Covent Garden on Thursday ; when he was removed to the Middlesex Hospital, which he selected in preference, from having walked it. Mr. Griffiths belonged to Sussex; the bite to which he fell a victim was inflicted nearly a month ago.

Such was the penny-a-line account of this gentleman's death that came

forth out Wednesday : on Friday we were favoured with the true version,— namely, that the young man died of a brain fever ; that the bite alluded to

had been inflicted three months before ; and that not a solitary symptom of hydrophobia had ever been observed either in the dog or in the unfortunate deceased.