15 MAY 1841, Page 2

But that the time has passed for caring about minorities

or majo- rities, Ministers would have to deplore the loss of a sixth vote within six months : a Tory, Mr. HAMILTON LINDSAY, has been returned for Sandwich, in the room of the Whig, Sir RureNe DoNEni. Perhaps it was not well managed, to send down a person who seemed so very little to know his masters' mind, or even his own, as Colonel Fox ; whose hesitating platitudes about Corn-laws and Ballot were calculated to insure defeat for almost any party. But, from whatever cause, there is the vote, gone ; a loss which is less to be felt just now on its own account, than for the sake of the example which it may afford when a general election approaches. The habit of returning Tories seems to be catching : it would make an awkward epidemic I