15 MAY 1841, Page 21


Tuesday, May 11.


Heaton and Co. Bishopsgate Street, wholesale druggists; as far as regards R. Thompson—Hopwood and Hankin, Kingston-upon-Hull. brewers—J. and J Montgo- mery, Brentford, timber-merchants—G. and J. Wareing, Birmingham, carvers—Hamp- ton and Deacon, Brick Lane. Old Street. shoemakers—James and Burchell, Cane- wedon. Essex, linendrapers—Clarke and Frankham, Southwark, distillers—Sanduu and Howell. King Street, Chenpside. attornies —Parslow and Bennett, Gravesend, tailors—Woodward and Bayliffe. Sheffield. iron-merchants—Watson and Co. Watling Street, gauze-mannfacturers—Salter and Co. Exeter, beer-brewers; as far as regards T. Owen—E. and I. James. Carlisle, ironmongers— Antrobus and Donald, Northwich, slate-merchants—Mortis and Lowe. Chorlton-upon Medlock, Lancashire, shoemakers —Williams and Co. Stockport. manufacturers of cotton cloth—T. and J. Pilditch, Bwlch, Breconshire. builders—Whitwill and King. Bristol, ship-brokers —Whitler and Rogerson. Liverpool, attornies--Williamsou and Procter. Coventry—R. and T. flay, Friday Street, merchants—Ambler and Co. Sunderland, drapers—Hyde and Co. Leeds, machiue-manufacturers—Bradley and Culyer, Church Street, Spitalfields, lea- ther-sellers—Buchan and Slodden, Southampton. house-painters—T. W. and R. .7. Meeson, Stratford-le-Bow, lime-burners—J. and J. Burton. New City Chambers. mer- chants—T. sod G. King, Portsmouth. carriers—Barrat and Newton, Leek, Stafford- shire, casters—Dakin and Co. Wolverhampton, grocers—Ashwin and Batt, Aberga venny, surgeons. INSOLVENT. BENNETT, GEORGE Joins, York Street, Portman Square, lodging-house keeper, May 10.


EDWARDS, Lewis, Dowlais, Glamorganshire, grocer. RinasoLos, JERRY, Thornses, Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturer.


BARBER, Joel: VAUGHAN, Walsall, banker, to surrender May 22, June 22: solicitors, Mr. Chaplin. Gray's Inn Square; Messrs. Stubbs and Rawlings, Birmingham ; and Mr. Jesson, Walsall. BEAUMONT. JOHN, Huddersfield, grocer, May 20, June 22: solicitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane; and Messrs. Clough, Huddersfield. CONLEY, Grottos, North Nibley, Gloucestershire, clothier, May 14. June 22; solici- tors. Messrs. Heathcote and Holman. Coleman Street; and Mr. Bishop, Dursley.

COPE. RICHARD, Stafford, sack-dealer, May 25, June solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Keen and Hand, Stafford. GOWER. GEORGE, Cardiff, grocer. May 19, June 22: solicitors, Messrs. Makiuson and Sanders, Temple; and Mr. Haberfield, Bristol. Heoneeorrom, WILLIAM. Ashton-under-Lyne. cotton-spinner, May 25, June 22: solicitors. Mess's. Milne and Co. Temple; and Mr. Potter, Manchester. HIGMAN, WILLIAM Ungar, Bristol, saddler, June I, 22: solicitor, Mr. Burivitt, London Wall.

LINSDELL. WILLIAM, Cannon Street, umbrella-manufacturer. May 21, June : soli- citor, Mr. Muttons, Myddleton Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingliall Street. MANN, JAMES, Norwich, woolstapler, May 19, June 22: solicitors, Mr. Flower, Bread Street ; and Messrs. Taylor and Sons, Norwich. MILLARD, Joins and EDWARD. Cheltenham, cabinet-makers, May 18, June 22: soli- citors, Mr. Badham, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Stephens, Cheltenham. SADLER. GEORGE, Cheltenham, linendtaper, May 18, June 22: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Sou, Size Lane.

THOMPSON, JOHN HARRISON, Newcastle, silk-throvester, May 21, J11110 22: solicitors, Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Mansior,house Place; official assignee, Mr. Cannau, Finsbury Square. WARE. THOMAS Gmr, Castle Cary, Somersetshire, scrivener, May 26, June 22: soli- citors, Messrs. Burfoot, Temple ; and Messrs. Newman and Lyon. Yeovil. YOUNG. Jorm, Newport, Monmouthshire, ship-builder, May 18, June 22: solicitors. Mr. Hall, New Boswell Court; and Messrs. Protheroe and Towgood, Newport.


Jane 3, Morrison, Fenchurch Street, stationer—June 3, T. and J. L. Keasley, Long Lane, Bermondsey, tanners—June 3, R. and J. Underhill, Plymouth, linendrapers- June 2, J. and W. Field. Mincing Lane, wine-brokers—June 2. Smith and Summers, Tabernacle Walk, fancy-stationers—June 5, Charleton and Redden, Berner Street, Commercial Road East, white-lead-manufacturers—June 5, Knowles, Moolham, So- mersetshire, silk-throwster —June 5, Roelly, Richardson Street, Bermondsey, manu- facturing-chemist—June 5, Webster, Milk Street. warehouseman—June 1, Bingley, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. brush-maker—June 1, Ashley, Regent Street, banker—June 1, James, Southampton Street, Strand, woollendraper—June 4. Dorset, Herstmonceaux, grazier—June 4, Simpson. Sheffield. grocer—June 5, Moxon and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants—June 4, Walbank. Birmingham, metal dealer—June 15, Hatchiuson, Manchester, merchant—June 7, Snook, Southampton, brewer—June 19, Roberts. Yoxford, currier—June 3, Blayney. Chester, stone-mason—May 31, R. and J. P. Robson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, builders—June 4, Rae, Blackburn, linen- draper—June 10, Tennant. Wigan, maltster—June 2, Babies. Liverpool, treacle manu- facturer—June 7, Cockroft senior. Cheetham. merchant—June 2, Spencer, Wiulaton, Durham, tailor—Juue 4, Vicker, Marvell, Flintshire, nurseryman.


Tolle granted, unless cause be shown to the madames or before June 1.

Isaacs, Chatham, army-clothier—A. and W. M. Oppenheim, Mansell Street. timber- merchants—Richardson. Ironmonger Lane, dealer—Megson, Ossett, Yorkshire, cloth-

manufacturer. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. ANDERSON, Jam, and Dumont:sow, ROBERT, Glasgow, clothiers, May 17, Jose 7, DOBIL DAVID, Haugh Bleachfield, Fifeshire. bleacher, May 14, Juue 11. NsiLsorr, Jotter, Glasgow, bookbinder, May 15, June 5.

Friday, May 14.


Forsyth and Son. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, slaters—Sharpe and Thompson, Bradford— Howard and Croft, Cheltenham, attomies—Crooks and Son, Sheffield, manufacturers of penknives—Gardner and Co.; as far as regards Wise—Swinton and Co. Warring- ton, grocers—Smith and Pinkney, Chiswell Street, attornies—Gatley and Co. Bolling- ton, Cheshire, masons; as far as regards Needham—Kirby and Bell, King Street, Snow Hill, leather sellers—Breakspear and Wiseman, Oxford, drapers—Hodgson and Graves. Pall Mall. priutaellers—Lamb and Overead, Manchester. publicans—Lister and Jones, Kidderminster, shoemakers—T. Y., S., and J. Hunt. Rowley Regis, Staf- fordshire, steel-manufacturers; as far as regards S. Huut—Hutchinson and -Buxton, Leeds, brick-makers—Johnston and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, timber-merchants; as far as regards Johnston—Shapland and Elliott, Plymouth, attornies—Wood and Good- win, Tunstall, engravers—Guest and Co. Leigh, Lancashire, brewers—Clark and Co. Basing Lane. brick-makers—Willis and Co. Birmingham, button-manufacturers — Rhomer. Brothers, Manchester; as far as regares H. Rhomer senior—Collens and Fackrell. Bristol. Congreve match-manufacturers—Pickersgill and Co. Leeds, carriers —Milne and Co. Aberdeen ; as far as regards Bannerman—Simpson and White, Aber- deen, clothiers. INSOLVENTS. Amiow. HENRY, Sevenoaks, coach-builder, May 13. BEAGI.EY, SAMUEL, Camberwell, brick-maker, May 14. Hoop, Tnoues. Camberwell. bookseller, May 13. Storm. RICHARD, New Saffolk Street, butcher, May 12.


Tomos, JOHN, and BENTLEY, GEORGE, Wolverhampton, iron founders.


Atasa, Jame, Great Yarmouth, fishing-merchant, to surrender May 18, June 25: so- licitor, Mr. Storey, Gray's Inn.

DARE. THOMAS, Exeter, builder, May 27, June 25: solicitor, Mr. Pearson, Essex Street, Strand. DAVIDSON, COCHRANE. and BRADLEY. SAMUEL, Fell Court, merchants, May 25, June 25: solicitors, Messrs. Wood and Ellis, Corbel Court, Gracechurch Street; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore. Basiughall Street. FOTHERGILL, ALEXANDER, Rochdale, cotton-spinner, May 27, June 25: solicitor, Mr. Smith, Chaneery Lane. RILEY, AMBROSE. Wheatley Lane, Burnley, cotton-manufacturer, May 27, June 25: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple. Teem THOMAS, Birmingham, draper, May 28, June 25: solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn. WALTER, JOHN, Carburtou Street, cheesemonger, May 29, June 25: solicitor, Mr. Humphreya, Newgate Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place. WETTON, WILLIAM, Coventry, ribaod-manufacturer, May 26, June 25: solicitor, Mr. Beck, Ironmongers' Hall; Fenchurch Street.


June 1, B. and S. Vanderplank, Saville Row. Burlington Gardens, woollendrapers —June 4, Maltby, Lawrence Pouutney Hill, lead-merchant—May 24, Lee. Guildford, banker—June 18, Glass, Oxford Street, wine-merchant—June 7, J. M. and W. B. Mille, Great Berkhampstead, brewers—June 7, Bennett, Copthall Buildings, book- eller—June 7, Exley, Riches Court Lime Street, merchant —June9, Rimmer, Lytham, Lancashire, innkeeper—June 7. Coley, Gloucester. scriveuer—Juue 7. Bounor. Glou- cester, money-scrivener—Juue 19, France, Wakefield, maltster—June 17. Shatto.ck, Bishop's Lydeard, scrivener—June 7, Barnett, Birmingham, builder—June 15. Morse. Birmingham. laceman—June 8, Prescott, Manchester, grocer—June 12, Howard, Co- ventry, ribandmanufacturer —June 11. Robertson, Wootton-under- Edge, draper—June 7. Osborn, Upper Montagu Street, horse-dealer—June 7, Heskin, Thorley. Hertford- shire, horse-dealer. CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before .Tune 4. Oliver, Nottingham, hosier — Vanderplank, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, woollendraper — Ashton, Berners Street, bill-broker — Faulkner junior. Danver's Wharf, Chelsea. builder — Sugars, Carey Street. coal-merchant — Riley, Bouverie Street, bill-broker—Hammond, Manchester, baker—Flower, Greek Street. Soho, goldsmith—Bloodworth. Loughborough, miller—Braddock. Ashton-under-Lyne. cite- mist—Smallfield, New gate Street, bookseller—Deeming, Manchester, hotel-keeper- Davy, Collumpton, Devonshire, woollen-manufacturer—Hewer, Hereford, innkeeper — Robins, Birmingham, builder —Robiuson , Warrington, brewer.


BARLAS, GEORGE, Glasgow, merchant, May 19, June 9. BROWN, PATRICK, Aberdeen. haberdasher, May 19, June 19. Hoy. GEORGE. Kinneswood, Kinross-shire. grocer. May 1, June II. ROSEN/NM. WILLIAM, Blairgowrie, cattle dealer, May 20, June 10. VEITCII, WILLIAM, Jedburgh, ironmonger. May 19, Juue 9.