15 MAY 1936, Page 38


By Major G. Harrison and F. C. Mitchell Statistics have become the indispensable instrument for the study of social changes and movements : in this book (George Allen and Unwin, 10s. 6d.) a number of the most necessary statistics, compiled by the London Press Exchange, are gathered together in a form which makes them both easily accessible and easily apprehended. The use of colours, dia- grams, symbols, graphs, turn the figures into living pictures, and the figures are there to correct any inaccuracy in the impression these vivid images may make. The statistics cover changes and trends in population, its age and sex distribution, urban and rural distribution, sizes and numbers of families, income and purchasing power, National expenditure, industrial earnings, and regional distribution of the Press. An appendix on statistical methods employed and a valuable bibliography make further enquiries, or connexion of the figures, possible. The book is meant, primarily, for the use of producers for the Home Market, but it should be a useful working handbook for many others also : and it is charming to see the very pretty statistical figures of one's childhood returning again into use.