15 NOVEMBER 1856, Page 7

It appears to be still doubtful whether Sir Alexander Cockburn

has accepted the Chief Justiceship of the Court of Common Pleas. A report to the effect that he had accepted this high office reached. Southampton on Thursday, and yesterday the Liberal chiefs met to talk over the fitness of the five or six candidates anxious to represent Southampton ; but in the midst of the palaver intelligence arrived that

biglit:3W up... • • IT rot_ _ The Convotiod ef thelPrevince oehterlfary vas, yektkrday further prorogued until the 17th December._ The Metropolitan Board of West nest/yesterday; mid; after a smart debate.; agreed, by a majority of 38 to 1, that a deputation should wait upon Sir Benjamin gall "to confer with him on various plans for inter- cepting the sewage of the metropolis."


Sir Alexander had not yet accepted the Chief Justiceship, and the meets