15 NOVEMBER 1930, Page 14


Here is a " tall story " about a bird and a car, for the truth of which I can vouch. After all, height and truth in a narra- tive are not incompatible. In a journey from Oxford to London the driver of a car was aware of driving over, or nearly over, two partridges, but saw no signs of disaster in a casual glance. He and his earful descended at Bailey's Hotel in London, and the car was turned to be taken into the garage. At that moment there was a whirr, that sounded ahnost mechanical, and a perfectly good partridge flew out and disappeared over the roofs. How or when the bird had been lodged during those thirty miles or so remains a mystery; and no further news has been heard about the bird. Pheasants were seen the other day in the Mall (perhaps strays from Buckingham Palace), but the partridge has quite missed the reporters.