15 NOVEMBER 1946, Page 14

Sta,—May I reply to Mr. H. G. Rawlinson, who says,

" Mr. Osborne was the only person to plead for the representation of the working classes in the Tory hierarchy, and he was politely ignored." I was not ignored, since immediately after my speech 2,500 delegates voted for, and only a handful voted against, the resolution. Nor have the party leaders ignored the debate, for they appointed a committee under Mr. R. A. Butler's chairmanship to prepare an official statement of policy. They could not have done more.

But a policy is not enough—no matter how good it may be. Two things more arc needed. It must be put over in simple terms which the wage- earner can understand, by leaders who have shared the wage-earner's experiences. Abraham Lincoln could speak for the people because he was of the people. Our leadership must include more men who have come the hard way, and so take away the reproach that Conservatism stands merely for inherited privilege. We must also put the plain unvarnished facts before our people, and say that unless we work harder we shall starve. It is our duty to preach an economic version of Mr. Winston Churchill's war-time policy of blood, toil, tears and sweat. To know the truth and not to speak it is moral cowardice, and is not the way for a great party to regain power.—Yours faithfully, CYRIL OSBORNE.

Eagle House, Friar Lane, Leicester.