15 NOVEMBER 1957, Page 15


Slit,—Canon Collins is right. Why confine the cul- tural activities within St. Paul's Cathedral to mere religious ceremonies? The management of the Albert Hall have no such inhibitions—even per- mitting boxing tournaments there, I understand. How much more en rapport are they with the people than the stuffy old Dean and Chapter of London's foremost church.

And why should there be this discrimination in Choice of preachers? I doubt if Mr. 'Osborne or Mrs. Knight has even been asked to enter the Pulpit at St. Paul's. Modern religion cannot afford to allow this 'closed shop' policy and unless other courageous thinkers like Canon Collins join the Chapter there is little hope that this great cathedral Will ever become 'a centre of controversy.'—Yours faithfully, RICHARD WHITAKER 39Tellows Road, Hampstead, NW 3