15 OCTOBER 1836, Page 8



In consequence or the eagerness of the public to profit by the fall in the English Funds, Stock has been so scarce es to render it difficult to supply the demand ; and at one period yesterday, the price for Money was hiAer than that for the end of November. From the recent transactions of tie Stock Market, it is evident that the amount of English Stock held by mercantile tpitulists is very small, as that class of fundholders would have eagerly rafted by the opportunity afforded them by the state of the Money :Basket, to raise money upon Engli.h Stock at a very low rate of interest, and employ it at 5 6 per cent. in the discount of bills; aid if this course had been adopted to ray extent, the scarcity of Stock would have been prevented. Upon the settlement of the Account yeste, lay, it appeared that several of the large sel'ers of Stock at the high prices Lad covered their accounts when the fall took place ; and hence the scarcity to which we have befits° alluded. Exche- quer Bills have been very much depressed ; Commercial Bills have been at Ss. dis., 1;',d. bills at 6s. dis., and the 2r1. have been as low as Is. die. To-day, however, they are generally about its. higher. In the Foreign Market, the European Stocks have experienced some flectua-- :s, and sonic large operations have occurred in Dutch 24 per Cents. The aorovement in }nice, occasioned by these purchases, Las not, however, been mr ntained.

Portuguese Bonds were very steady until this afternoon ; when the Five -er Cents. rose suddenly from 51.q, to 53. It is reported that a counter-revolution has occurred in Lisbon ; but we cannot trace the rumour to any credible source, and believe that the improvement which has taken place has been occa- sioned by the necessity under which the speculators for the fall are placed by the near approach or the settling to provide Stock for the fulfilment of their engagements, which the present state of the market renders rather difficult. The expectation which Las existed that the Dividend upon the Spanish Active Stock due on the 1st of November will be paid, seems to have almost entirely subsided. The Stock has been continually declining, and has been as low as `221} ; a reaction has occurred this afte loon, and the closing price is 2.4 24.

The South American Stocks have been neglected.

We cannot quote any transactions of importance in the-Baihvay or other Shares.


The Consol Market opened at SA, has since been at s74, and the price is 881 bdh for Money and the Account. Bank Stock Las been done at 2044 at d i 2054. India Stock is 255k, and India Bonds 6 prem. In the Fore ign Market, both Spanish and Portuguese Bonds are lower. The quotation of Spanish Stock an Thursday at Paris was 22; : this depression is stated to have been caused by some successes of G o Alez in Andalusia. The opening price of Active Stork this morning was 2i :ii, but the ir ice speedily fell to 21I, and is now 22k. Portuguese Five per Cent. Bonds opened at 5152, have since been at 50i, and are now SO4 51.


The Consol Market closes rather higher ; the price, both for Money and Ac- count being SSA i. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been seriously depressed. When the second edition of the Times appearedaiving an account of the entrance of GOMEZ into the city of Cordova, the price fell to 2/A ; but a slight rally has since occurred, and the closing quotation is 224. The ques- tion of the payment of the Dividend due upon the Active Stock, may be consi- dered as set at rest ; it is understood that a notice will appear oa Monday next, stating the inability of the Government to provide funds for the payment.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Ace sent

2 per Cent. Reeiereed New 31 per Cent Anna

India qlock Bank Stock .Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents

Brazilian 5 per Cents

121. 884 874

974 1

2044 54


3dis 2 pm. 100 ft 78 9 Danish 3 per Cents. Dutch 2* per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts Ditto 3 per Cent.

Dino 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip Prussian (1813)5 per Cert Russian (1822)5 per Cent Spanish (13.Ke) 5 per Cent 74 75

544 4 234 50* 51 32* :14 29 2703-3. --- 106 7 22*