15 OCTOBER 1853, Page 9


Excitement the different Stock markets continues unabated; but, com-

pared with last week, the fluctuations in Government Securities have been less violent ; and in addition to renewed purchases on behalf of the public, Consols have been supported by transactions connected with the settlement of the account, which took place yesterday. Stock was scarce, and upon that and other occasions during the week was rather dearer for immediate de- livery than for time. The highest prices were realized on Monday, when Consols reached 92/. Subsequently, rumours of a collision between the Turks and Russians in Asia Minor caused them to decline to 92; from which they only slightly rallied. On the two succeeding days much heaviness prevailed ; attributed to the firm attitude assumed by the English and French Governments against Russia, coupled with the belief that six regi- ments from Ireland were to be despatched to the Mediterranean. On Wed- nesday, Consols, having been 91} sellers, closed 1 higher. Yesterday, the settlement of the account caused an advance of 921 ; but the Funds after- wards declined nearly 1 per cent; Consols closing at 911 j. The quarterly revenue account, showing a large surplus, failed to produce any good effect on the Funds, owing to counteracting causes. The amount for investment en account of the Sinking-fund during the ensuing quarter is 894,6681. 7s. 3d.; which willprobably be appropriated to the redemption of Deficiency Bills. Rumours of further increase in the Bank rate of discount have prevailed. The Stocks which lately closed for dividends reopened for private transfer on Tuesday, and the payment of dividends to the public commenced yesterday. From a return of New Stocks issued by the Bank of England on Saturday last, it appears that 5911. 19s. ld. Three-and-a-half per Cents were accepted that day. The following letter was issued on Saturday, announcing the ad- vance in the rate of interest on Exchequer Bills.

" lb the Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England. " Treasury Chambers, October 8, 1853. " Gentlemen—The Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury having deter- mined that all Exchequer Bills issued under the authority of the acts of the 15th of Victoria c. 10 and the 16th of Victoria c. 25, shall, on and after the 11th of October Instant, bear an interest at the rate of twopence per centum per diem, I am com-

mended by their Lordships. to request that you will make this determination known at the Stock Exchange, and my Lords will forthwith take the necessary steps for carrying it into effect.

" I have the honour, &c. Jamas WiLsox."

Exchequer Bills have not maintained the improved quotations of last Saturday, and are much below their general value when a similar rate of in- terest has been attached to them ; which is attributed to the expectation of a fresh issue of bills, coupled with the prevailing scarcity of money : they close this afternoon at 4 8 premium. The Funds are nearly 1 better today : Consols for Money have ranged between 911 and 921, and for Account be- tween 911 and 92; closing at 9211 for Money, and 911 2/ for the Account, being a bonus of t for immediate delivery. Foreign Securities have been keavy, and the operations limited. Chilian has improved this week 1 ; Austrian, Peruvian Deferred, and Buenos Ayres, have declined 1; and Spanish Three per Cents, and Deferred, t.

Railway Stocks continue to be governed by the position of the Consol Mar- ket. Thelluctuations this week have been light, and the transactions chiefly in connexion with the settlement of the account, which took place yesterday. A scaxeity of Stock was experienced ; and after the arrangement, prices re- ceded a little. At the close, the decline in some of the leading lines, com- pared with last Saturday, was to the following extent—Lancaster and Car- lisle, 21.; Caledonian, Lancashire and Yorkshire, Midland, South-eastern, and York and North Midland, 11. 10s. ; Bristol and Exeter, East Lancashire, London and North-western, North British, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolver- hampton, Shrewsbury and Birmingham, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11. ; Great Northern, 10s. The principal Foreign Shares are of the same value as last week. Western of France has improved 108., and Great Cen- tral of France 2s. 6d. Paris and Strasbourg have declined 7s. 6d., and Northern of France 5s. Today the English lines have improved from 5s. to 11._in several instances. Foreign.are also higher.


The English Funds are higher today, owing to the arrival of better prices from France, consequent upon the reduction of the Austrian army ; our market being also favourably influenced by the bullion return by the Bank of England, which shows an increase of 136,5271. compared with last week. Consols are now 921 / for Money and 92/, for Account ; Exchequer Bills 4 8 premium. In Foreign Stocks, Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents are 1, and Spanish Three per Cents and Deferred better. Railways are rather stronger ; the bargains have been in the following—Caledonian, 50 Eastern Counties, 111; Great Northern, 75; Ditto A. Stock, 50; London and North-western, 1031; Midland, 591; North British,r26.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 921 I 91

Danish 3 per Cents ...., Dutch 2i per Cents

Ditto 4 per Cents 81 3 ex d.

62 4 92 4 ex d.

31 per Cents 93 Mexican 3 per Cents 231 41 Long Annuities

Peruvian 41 per Cents 70 2 Bank Stock 218 20 Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents 48 50 Exchequer Bills 4 8 p.m. Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 India Stock 245 8 Russian 5 per Cents 112 14 Austrian 5 per Cents 93 5

Ditto 41 per Cents

96 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 97 9 ex d. Spanish 3 per Cents 441 5 Belgian 41 per Cents 96 8 Ditto Deferred 211 2 Chilian 6 per Cents

100 2 ex d.

Sardinian S per Cents 90 2 Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Swedish 4 per Cents 91 3