15 OCTOBER 1859, Page 5


The troubles in St. George's-in-the-East are still sub judice. At a meeting of the Vestry, on Thursday, a letter was read from the Bishop of London, stating that the rector, Mr. Bryan King, had agreed to sub- mit unreservedly to the decision of the Bishop upon the points—the time of the Lecturer's service, and the vestments to be worn by Mr. King and his curates. Upon the many other points, included in the schedule of grievances presented by the Vestry, the Bishop promises to give such directions as may seem expedient so far as he has legal power. This state of matters does not satisfy the Vestry. They have indicated their opinion to the Bishop on the subject. They are of opinion that the rector pledged himself to submit " all " questions to the decision of the Bishop, in other words, all questions contained in their schedule framed after Mr. King had generally agreed to the arbitration. The Vestry thinks that nothing but a reference complete in their sense, will bring peace to the parish. Some members of the Vestry desire the church to be reopened, but the majority are of a different opinion. Mr. Church- warden Thompson said he was sorry to see any feeling manifested which might be considered opposed to the Bishop's present proceedings, and he, therefore, recommended the parishioners to exhibit that patient and for- bearing spirit which they had hitherto displayed.

The Brethren of the Charterhouse put in a claim, on Saturday, in the Court of the revising barrister for Finsbury, of a right to vote for that borough by virtue of their occupancy of apartments or chambers in the Charterhouse. It was contended on the one side that the Brethren are neither owners nor tenants in the ordinary sense of the term, and that the Reform Act excludes from the suffisge persons receiving alms. On the other it was insisted that the Brethren hold their appointments in their own right so long as they conduct themselves properly; that an estate for an uncertain period in law is an estate for life ; and that an appointment for life, determinable by the holder's own act, amounts in law to a freehold. That it is not necessary under the Act either to be owner or tenant only to occupy as owner or tenant. Mr. Macqueen, the revising barrister, delivered judgment on Saturday. Discarding the argument that the Brethren are disfranchised because they receive charity, he compared their .position to that of the Military Knights at Windsor, and found in the decision of the Lord Chief Justice against the claim of thlit fraternity a test applicable to the Brethren. The Lord Chief Jus- tice had remarked that " the Knights cannot let their houses in the whole or in part, nor even receive inmates or guests therein except with the assent and sanction of the Dean and Canons." When the claim of the Charter- house pensioners was brought forward on the former occasion, said Mr. Macqueen, "there was no means from the evidence of applying the test here suggested by the Chief Justiceand so far as I am aware the test itself had not then been disclosed by judicial decision. I now, however, apply it to the present ease, and find that there is enough to satisfy me that the Charterhouse pensioners cannot let their houses in the whole or in part, nor even receive inmates or guests therein except with the assent of their superiors.'" The names of the Brethren were therefore expunged.

In like manner the names of Archdeacon Hale, the Reverend Mr. Currey, and all the officers of the establishment were expunged from the roll.

Another attempt to terminate the strike has failed. Certain proposals were made to the masters by Mr. Ayrton on behalf of the men but they failed. Then the masons reappeared as negotiators, and proposed that the declaration should be withdrawn, and that there should be ten hours' pay for ten hours' work; they were willing to work with men who had signed the declaration, and to resume work in conformity with the laws of the land. But they would not withdraw the strike at the Messrs. Trollope's. The masters, on the other hand, will withdraw the de- claration if the operatives will submit their by-laws for revision to an impartial umpire, so that they may be placed in conformity with the laws of the land. This the masons energetically refused to do, and they further declare that they will seek no further communication with the masters.

It is stated that 10,740 men have resumed work under the declaration, and 2000 under a shop rule embodying its spirit.

Mr. William Sinnott, wharfinger and contractor, has been committed for trial on a charge of having large quantities of rope belonging to the Govern- ment in his possession. Sinnott pleaded guilty at the Southwark Police Court. His accomplice in the offence is said to be Mr. Chaplain, tavern keeper, at Rainham, in Essex, from whom Sinnott bought the stolen goods.

James Colman, a seafaring young man, was found by a constable after midnight on Monday, hanging by a pocket-handkerchief from the gates of the' Marble Arch. The constable cut him down and he recovered. He, however, expressed regret at the constable's interference. No reason has been stated for his conduct except that he was in trouble. He has been handed over to a clergyman for a week.

Henry Cobb was charged at the Mansion-house with stealing a pocket- handkerchief. He was captured with the plunder in his hand. Yet he stoutly protested his innocence, and declared he had never been apprehended before. When the Lord Mayor said he should commit him, Cobb got up a sham cry, pleaded guilty, and desired summary punishment, but he was sent for trial.

A woman, Jane Robinson, sixty years of age, is in custody for assaulting and nearly killing her husband, Cornelius Robinson, who is eighty-one years of age.

Edward Biven, of Crooked Lane, City, has been discovered to have sys- tematically pawned watches and chronometers left in his charge for repairs. Arrested and brought before the Lord Mayor, no less than nineteen charges were laid against him. Five were disposed of. The prisoner was ordered to pay a fine, the value of the goods illegally pawned, or to go to prison for various terms of imprisonment, one following the other.

William Norris, an elderly person has been committed for trial by the Worship Street Magistrate, on a charge of forging receipts with the view of defrauding the legatees under a will of which he was executor. His defence to the charge was reserved.

Mr. Selfe, the Thames Street Magistrate, has fined Jacob Utley, master, Si., and Charles lJtley, mate of the ship Frederick, of St. John's, New Brunswick, 3/., for "brutal and disgusting" cruelty to a negro sailor. Mr. Selfe said he would have committed the master for trial if the negro could have stayed in London.

The Police Magistrates have had to deal with several gross cases'of in- timidation and violence used by working men towards men who refused to strike, and who accepted work from shops "on strike." The law has been enforced against these physical force advocates of the rights of labour.

The inquiry into the cause of the wreck of the Alma has terminated. Mr. Trull and Captain Walker exonerate Captain Henry, and lay the blame upon Mr. Davis the chief officer, who did not alter his course suffi- ciently at the proper time. Captain Henry, it will be remembered, was ill at the time.