15 OCTOBER 1859, Page 7

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iraurt.—After all that has been said an imperial speech has been made at Bordeaux. The Emperor and Empress arrived there on Mon- day. The town was filled with country people who vied with the citizens in the display of their enthusiasm The whole city is en fete," says a despatch in the Moniteur. On Tuesday the Emperor received the authorities. The Cardinal Archbishop delivered an address full of loyal expressions and embodying a direct approval of the Emperor's Christian policy. He then said- " We pray with unswerving confidence, with a hope which deplorable events and sacrilegious acts of violence have not been able to shake, and the motive of this hope, the realization of which appears now so dilcult, is, after God, you, Sire, who have been, and still wish to be, the eldest son of e Church ; you, who spoke these memorable words The temporal sovereignty of the venerable head of the Church is intimately connected with the fame of Catholieism and the liberty and independence of Italy' ;— a noble idea conformable to the sentiments professed by the august head of your dyntisty, when, speaking of the temporal power of the Popes, he said, Centuries have established this, and they have done well.'

"Yesterday, when your Majesty for the first time entered the elegant city which has arisen, as if by enchantment, on a once solitary. strand ; when you were seen kneeling in an unfinished sanctuary, a blessed asylum shut out from the noise of the world, and open heavenwards to receive the falling dews, it appeared to all that the immaculate patroness of the spot shielded you, your august wife, and your beloved son under her maternal protection. You will acquit a debt of gratitude to her by preparing a triumph for her Son in the person of her Vicar. Such triumph is worthy of you Sire ; it will put an end to the anxieties of the Catholic world, who will hail it with transports." The Emperor made to this address the following striking answer. "I thank your Eminence for the sentiments you have just expressed. You render justice to my intentions, without, however, overlooking the difficulties which obstruct them, and I believe you understand your high mission in endeavouring to strengthen confidence rather than to spread useless alarm.

"I thank you for having recalled my words, for I entertain the firm hope that a new era of glory will arise for the Church on the day when the whole world will share my conviction that the temporal power of the Holy Father is not opposed to the liberty and independence of Italy. - "I cannot now enter into details which the grave question you have touched upon would give rise to, and I confine myself to reminding you that the Government which replaced the Holy Father on his throne can only give him counsel inspired by a respectful and sincere devotion to his in- terests. But he is anxious, and with good cause, as regards the day, which must soon come, when Rome will be evacuated by our troops ; for Europe cannot allow that the occupation which has lasted for ten years shall be indefinitely prolonged ; and when our army withdraws, what will it leave behind it ? Anarchy, terror, or peace ? This is a question the importance of which no one can deny. But, believe me, in the times in which we live. to resolve it, we must, instead of appealing to ardent passions, endeavour calmly to fathom the truth and pray to Providence to enlighten peoples and kings on the wise exercise of their rights and extent of their duties. "I do not doubt that the prayers of your Eminence and those of your clergy will continue to call down the blessings of Heaven upon the Empress, my son, and myself."

The Emperor returned to St. Cloud on Wednesday, and attended there a Connell of Ministers.

The Univers has been one of the most violent opponents of French policy in Italy, and one of the most unscrupulous supporters of Austria ancl the Pope. It has just received an avertissement for an article which appeared in its impression. of Saturday upon affairs in—Cochin China. The Moniteur de 1 'Armee contains the following ridiculous and cha- racteristic paragraph in its summary of Indian and Chinese news :—

"The same despate.hes inform us that the news from China and the de- tails of the affair at the Pei-ho brought by the Hongkong papers produced a eat impression throughout India. It was intended to send troops to but this idea was abandoned in consequence of the fermentation ex- isting in certain provinces, and the fear of a ree,ommencement of hostilities on the part of the principal chiefs of the late insurrection. It was then proposed to the soldiers of the European corps who had demanded to return to Europe that they should contract a special engagement for the campaign in China, which is about to commence. These men first refused, but they were given to understand that they would fight as allies of the French ; and this consideration appeared to strike them. By the last accounts it was thought at Calcutta that their acceptance would be contingent on what France should do, they having the most entire confidence in her."

Captain Tricault has been promoted to the rank of Captain of a line- of-battle ship for his gallantry in the Pei-ho, and several of his officers and men have received decorations.

SI &Ill.—The chief piece of intelligence from Italy is a sad one—the murder of Count Anviti at Parma on the 5th of October. The foreign journals, French and Italian, have been greatly occupied with this de- plorable incident, and our own newspapers have taken a manly and de- cided part in the discussion.

,.Aarriti, formerly an agent of the late Duke of Parma, justly incurred the hatred of the Parmesans by the ferocity with which he seconded the infamies of the Duke. He had caused people to be bastinadoed, shot, hung; and when a pistol was discharged at him in 1855 he caused a man, Carini to be shot on suspicion. Carini's relatives arc supposed to have taken part in the murder. The scene on the 5th has been described by a correspondent of the rises. On Wednesday, the 5th, Anviti, disguised as a peasant, was travelling by the railway from Bologna to Piacenza. He had a passport from the Pa- pal Government, and it is impossible to doubt that he carried on some clan- destine correspondence between the Papal army and that of the Dukes of Modena and Tuscany, now assembled in Mautua. He had, it seems, no passport with him, and only a medal, which is supposed to have answered the putpose of proving his identity, and answering as credentials for him at the various camps. It is added. though I have no certain information about it, that he had 15,000 francs in bank-notes in his portmanteau. Near the bridge of the Cure, five miles from Parma, Anviti was recognized by a Par- mesan volunteer, a saddler by trade, and by name Camorai, who had been it is said, ill-treated by him, and once arrested on the mere plea that the Colonel disliked him. This man accosted him, and addressed him by name, but receiving a tart and arrogant answer from the Colonel, held his peace till the train came to the Parma station at five o'clock p.m., when he de- nounced Anviti to some of his volunteer friends. By these he was arrested and taken to the barracks of the gendarmes, or Carabineers, near Ports Sea Barnaba, a few yards from the gate and the station. Auviti was no sooner lodged in the guard-room than the populace, among whom the rumour of his arrest spread like wildfire, assembled before the main door of the barracks, clamouring for the death of the detested ex-Colonel. There is hardly any- thing like public force in Central Italy, as I have often told you, and there were no more than six or seven Carabmeers in the barracks. These hastily closed, barred, and bolted the front door,and from the windows en- deavoured to appease the multitude, assuring them that they had the culprit safe in their hands, and that he should be dealt with according to law and justice. The mob answered that they had often during the last three months brought similar offenders into the hands of the legal authorities, and they had invariably been all released ; but they had now caught hold of the very worst of the pack, and would not again be baulked of their just vengeance. While the ringleaders were thus parleying, a swarm of ragged urchins, and even women of the very lowest dregs of the rabble, had found an entrance into the barracks by a small side door, which had inadvertently been left open ; they rushed into the guard-room, and there found Anviti, abjectly crouching under one of the hoardings which serve as beds to the gendarmes when on duty ; they dragged him from his hiding place, heedless of his screams and entreaties ; they forced him from the building, and there, in the streets, began that lingering, fiendish torture which, inflicted at first on a living body, was continued till long after popular fury could only vent itself on a corpse. They dragged him down the whole street of San Barnaba, they crossed the Piazza di Corte, by the Ducal Palace, where about a score of the National Guard were on duty., they went down by the quattro sisal cantoni, and the Bassa dei Magnam, they traversed the Piazza Grande, or main square, where there is another post of National Guards, and only halted at the Swiss Café in the street San Michele, at that hour crowded with well-dressed loungers. Here, after ordering lemonade for their almost lifeless victim, and indulging their ill- will by the most wanton taunts and the most savage treatment, they at last stretched him on one of the marble tables, where they cut off his head with a sabre. The body, as I am informed, still quivered under the stroke. It is added, I believe, on good authority, that one of the cannibals present cut off the fingers from the body's hands, and sucked the blood as it gushed from the severed arteries ; that some of the urchins gambolled and played leap- frog on the headless trunk. Presently, however, the whole moss marched out of the café; they promenaded most of the streets and quarters of the town, some of them bearing the head aloft on a sword, and others dragging the miser- able trunk in the dust, till they came back to the main square after two hours of that mad orgy, find, stopping before the Colonna della Piazza, a truncated column, answering the double purpose of a monument and a cen- tral milestone, like the Standard in Cornhill, they lifted up the head on the top of the column, and, having pressed into their service a party of blind fiddlers, began dancing the Carmagnole round that ghastly trophy. "It was now nine o'clock, the rabble were glutted with blood, and spent with raving and mating and began to disperse, though they vowed the head should thus remain pilloried for three days ; but a few companies of Pied- montese soldiers, who are still quartered in the town, ventured into the fray. They dispersed the mob, and the head and the horribly mangled limbs were conveyed into the 'town hospital, and thence smuggled away for Christian burial. Upon an inspection of the wretched body it was found that the trunk alone had twenty-five wounds by sharp-edged instruments and one by fire-arm."

The Dictator Parini, who was at Turin, instantly set out for Parma. General Fanti arrived there on the 6th. Tuscan and Modenese troops surrounded the city, and Farini caused fifty persons to be arrested. Farini is determined to execute the law. It is stated that the French Consul at Parma has received orders from the Imperial Government to quit his post in Parma, unless prompt justice is done and exemplary Chastisement inflicted on the authors of the murder of Count Anviti. The town has been tranquil ever since. The Italian journal* uniformly condemn the crime.

A proclamation by Dictator Farini has been posted up at Parma wherein the crime recently committed at this place is vehemently branded. The proclamation states that Italy has risen, through the noble and devoted conduct of her sons, in the esteem of all civilized nations, and her public conscience insists upon satisfaction for this horrid deed, and it shall be obtained. The Dictator says-

" I am invested by the people with the mission to protect its rights, and, before all, those of justice. The guilty shall be punished, and the name of Italy shall not be dishonoured. Citizens and National Guards, gather your- selves around me under the standards of civilization and of Italy. The flag of Italy is always placed on the spot where men make sacrifice of their life, not where their honour is tarnished. The heart of Victor Emmanuel has been afflicted by this dreadful event. He is used to govern a people which sheds the blood43f the enemy only on the battle-field, and which knows how to maintain liberty for itself, as well as to procure it for others, because it knows how to obey the laws of the country."

Another energetic proclamation in the same sense has been published by General Fent. General Ribotti has been appointed General Com- mander of the troops of the town and province of Parma. Piedmoutese troops have been sent to Parma.

It is reported that the Government of Sardinia has made use of this incident to induce the great Powers to permit the establishment of a regency under the Prince of Carignan in place of the provisional govern- ments, arguing that a regular government could prevent acts like that at Parma. The report finds some corroboration in the Indipendente of Turin, which states that Prince Eugene of Carignan will probably be en- trusted with the government of Tuscany, Parma, Modena, and Romagna in the name of the King of Sardinia, until the Congress shall have de- cided the question of their future condition. The Pope has gone to Castel Gandolfo, where he is to meet the King of Naples. After his departure an immense crowd made a demonstration in.honour of the Sardinian Minister. Some 10,000 penman "left carol"

at the Embassy ! The French gendarmerie preserved order. The Min- ister was to leave Rome on Tuesday. The Ring of Sardinia is to go to Genoa today to meet the Empress Dowager of Russia. Some hundreds of ladies in deep mourning attended the cathedral at Mantua, where a mass was to be said for those who fell at Solferino. The Austrians prohibited it, but the ladies remained firm. Then this scene followed.

"After the mass about fifty ladies, on leaving the church, bent their steps to the Belfiere Esplanade, where, on the 7th of December, 1852, and on the 2d and 19th of March, 1853, 80 many persons condemned for political causes were executed. There they knelt on the ground where the execu- tions had taken place, sprinkled it with flowers, and planted a small tn- coloured flag. But, when they desired to return into town, they found the grating of the esplanade and the Pradella gate closed prooners between the two gates, they remained there exposed to the derision of the gammon from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. To terrify them two cannons were pointed against them, and the artillerymen, with lighted matches, were made to advance upon the guns. I will not repeat to you all the sarcasms addressed to the prisoners by the officers, accompanied by their wives. Meanwhile the ladies' families were in a state of horrible alarm ; the Podesta, who would have protested against this infamous act, was not even listened to. When the authorities thought their comedy well played out, they allowed the ladies to enter by the little gate of the listens. All their names were taken down, and sixteen men who were with them were put in prison. The gate was not opened until the following Sunday."

Garibaldi's army is largely recruited by voluntary exiles and deserters from Venice and Austrian Italy.

When the Government of Bologna ordered the public religious thanks- giving last Sunday to celebrate the acceptance of the vote of Romagna by King Victor Emmanuel, the Canons of the Cathedral volunteered to per- form the service in the colossal church of St. Petronio. The Archbishop interposed and put his veto on the good intentions of the Chapter ; but the Canons, with one accord, dared to remonstrate with the Archbishop, laughed to scorn his menaces of interdict, and announced their firm de- termination to perform the great national ceremony. They added that "it was full time this unseemly strife between the clergy and the people should cease ; that the clergy were of the people and should go with them ; and that it was their duty to obey the behests of the constituted authorities, whoever they might be, and they would do so all the more willingly as the government was now in the hands of their own country- men."

The text of Mazzini's letter to Victor Emmanuel, dated Florence, September 16, has been published. It is a long and eloquent exposition of that mode of freeing Italy which has come to be called Mazzinianism. Victor Emmanuel did not understand the life that exists in Italy, or he would not have :summoned foreign aid. Italy wants unity—it is her prayer, her passionate desire. "You spoke of independence. Italy roused herself and gave you 50,000 volunteers. But this was only half the problem. Speak to her of freedom and unity, and she will give you 500,000. Of what avail is independence to Naples, to Sicily, to half the Roman provinces ? " If the King had desired it, the Italians would have taken the Austrians by surprise, but the people were checked. The King did not fraternize with the people, nor call upon them to fraternize with him. He lost "that holy enthusiasm, that sacred wrath, that sacred boldness which creates victory " ; and gave himself a master in the place of an ally.

"Italy knows you to be valiant in the field, and ready for honour's sake to throw away your life. Sire, the day in which you are ready to throw away, your crown, you may assume the crown of Italy. . . . The acceptance of the Villafranea peace would have been the act of a coward had it not been yours. Praise given to your father, Sire, can hardly sound ill in your ears, although it implies a reproof to you : you have yet time to give it a solemn and glorious reply. Your father would not have signed that peace. He also wanted in his disturbed and fitful life energy of purpose and faith in the people of Italy. But when, after the fatal rout of Novara, he saw that nothing remained for him but to reign as a conquered king and sign his name to humiliating conditions, he himself indignantly threw away his crown and turned his steps into voluntary exile."

Signor Mazzini's advice is that France and Europe should he asked to leave Italy alone, and that Victor Emmanuel should then appeal to the Italiaes to fight for Unity.

witinlattli.—Difficulties at Zurich were reported on the 8th, and it was held doubtful whether peace would be signed this week. On the 10th the three principal diplomatists held a conference, and after the sitting couriers set out for Turin and Vienna. On the 10th the follow- ing telegram was sent from Zurich.

'The Conferences do nut draw to a close. Austria still refuses to di- minish the amount of the debt of Lombardy to be borne by Sardinia. The demands of Austria are not only resisted by Sardinia, but do not receive the support of France, which has proposed to Austria and Piedmont to submit the disputed point to the arbitration of another Power. No answer has been received to this proposition up to the present time. The French Go- vernment wishes the arrears of the pensions of the Monte Napoleone, and an indemnity for the cost of the late war, to be included in the settlement of the debt which will have to be paid by Austria and Piedmont."

The latest report revives the old rumour that the treaty will be imme- diately signed.

Of 1111111111.—The Protestants of Hungary have not accepted the con- cessions of the Austrian Government. They are not hostile to them, of course, but they have asserted in formal resolutions that only a lawfully elected Synod can modify the constitution of the Church, and they beg that the Imperial Patent may be suspended until a Synod has adopted a new constitution. They desire to be placed in the position they occu- pied before 1848, and they refuse to accept the dictation of laws at the hands of a Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs. In short, they stand on their old rights as guaranteed by treaties no longer observed. The Prussian Government has sent a note in reply to the Austrian cir- cular of Count Rechberg relative to the proposed reform of the German Confederation, and the recent speech of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha. After acknowledging the receipt of a copy of Count Rechberg's note, Baron de Schleinitz, the Prussian minister, says- " The opinion which his Royal Highness the Prince Regent has deigned to express is, that the full confidence which he placed in his cousin and friend the Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha did not allow it to be supposed that there existed motives to reserve the rights of other German princes, either of one in particular, or of all of them together, and that the words of the Duke, which expressed the often-repeated want of a reform of the Federal Con- stitution, excluded all encouragement of tendencies to achie' ve that end by illegal means.

"As regards the tendencies which now manifest themselves in Germany towards such an end, the government of the King had recently an oppz; tunity of expressing itself on that point in the reply made, by order of Prince Regent, by Count Schwerin to the Stettin address, hich the public journals must have brought to the knowledge of Count Rechberg. I never- theless subjoin a copy of that reply, to be made use of if requisite. " Strong in its honourable intentions, the government of the King does not think that, because the name of Prussia 18 brought forward without its sanction it is necessary to make any further declaration than those it has already Lade to its own country.

" If (continues the despatch) there are great questions to be resolved, Prussia will not act in a selfish manner, but in the interest of Germany." This despatch is dated the 23d of September, and is signed by Schleinitz.

The text of the answer given by the Minister of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha to the Austrian lecture, has been published. After remarking that Count Reehberg's note says that the Duke's words are equiva- lent to a revolution of the federal pact ; and that the declaration men- tioned in the address places the Austrian Empire, as regards its relations with Germany, on the same footing as Denmark and the Netherlands ; Baron de Seebach, the Duke's Minister, says—

"I cannot suppose that Count Rechberg is serious in attributing to his Highness the Duke, my master, such a view of affairs, especially as his Highness has given a convincing proof, on the occasion of the late war, that his Highness, far from placing the Austrian Empire on the same footing as Denmark, was ready to take up arms for the guarantee of the provinces of Austria not included in the German Confederation. He, therefore, could not have conceived the idea that the German provinces of the Empire do not belong, and ought not to belong, to Germany. Count Rechberg declares that his Highness cannot deny that the object of forming a pretended new party implies the absolute disavowal of relations based upon treaties which exist between his Majesty and the other Princes of the Confederation, and he adds that any approval of the tendencies of such party are equivalent to a renunciation of the federal pact. I protest formally against this interpre- tation of the sentiments of my master. "Whatever may be the object of the party alluded to by Count Rechberg. not only the subjects of his Highness the Duke, but his Highness the Duke himself, have the right to exact, when they express the wish or the hope of a reform of international law, that no one should suppose that such reform should take place except with the assent of all parties interested. It is not ten years since the Imperial Government formally asked the German Go- vernments to participate in a reform of the Federal Constitution, and pro- posed modifications which, as regards some German States, would have led to a serious diminution of the privileges granted to them by the Vienna Congress. . . .

"Perhaps the Imperial Government will take into consideration that, beside Austria and Prussia, there are 18,000,000 of Germans who not only are not satisfied with the Federal Constitution, but the majority of whom look upon it with regret, because it lessens the esteem felt for it abroad, and does not offer sufficient means to provide efficacious support to any member attacked, or to the nation itself." Baron Seebach concludes as follows :— "His Highness the Duke, considering any change which would not har- monize with the interests of the Imperial State as out of place, being per- sonally attached to his Imperial Majesty, being intimately connected with the destinies of the Austrian monarchy by the possessions of his house, would have many reasons to desire the grandeur and power of Austria, if reasons of patriotic interest did not speak louder. The present state of things cannot last much longer. His Highness the Duke has nothing dearer to his heart than to see the German Diet in a position to point out the bases upon which, consulting the interests of his Majesty and those of the rest of Germany, the Confederation may be placed upon a footing to render it capable of self-defence. The fusion of various parties which have hitherto been at issue on constitutional doctrines, this fusion which is the result of sympathies which the struggle sustained by Austria aroused in Germany,— this movement emanating from the desire to give efficacious support to Aus- tria, might, even now, show that it was more deserving of Austria's ap- proval than her displeasure. However this may be, this is the sense in which his Highness the Duke understands the present movement, and as a German Prince, he feels that he cannot look upon it in any other light, as a member of the German Confederation."

8 11.—The Spaniards, it is said, have refused the demand for time made by the new Emperor of Morocco, and intend to proceed to ex- tremities. But, on the other hand, it is said that the Moor has given in, and Lord John Russell's measures render war improbable. The destina- tion of the Toulon fleet turns out to have been Algesiras, whither it ar- rived on the 7th.

SUSS i A.—After his tour in Russia the Emperor intends to visit Po- land. Some surprise, says a letter from Berlin, "has been excited in diplomatic circles by the order sent by the Emperor Alexander to M. Budberg, M. de Kisseleff, M. de Brunnow, and M. Balabine, to meet him on the 15th at Warsaw. This summons is attributed to the gravity which the Emperor attaches to the present state of political affairs, and it is clear that he wishes to ascertain from his representatives at the dif- ferent courts, things which cannot be placed in ordinary reports. Prince Gortschakoff will be also at Warsaw at the same time.'

A very remarkable article in the Invalide RUM expresses the opinion that the restoration of the Dukes in Central Italy would be "dangerous to the peace of Europe, and that Europe in 1859 has as much right to seek for political combinations which would contribute to her safety as she had in 1815 to place Italy under the domination of Austria." It is worthy of remark that the arguments used by the Russian journal bear a striking resemblance to those of the recent memorandum of the Sar- dinian Cabinet. Moreover, a Turin letter received this very day says : "it is reported that Russia is favourably disposed towards the unity of Italy. It is even said in well-informed quarters that she has lately given some positive proof of her sympathy.'

CU/TM—The agitation among the politicians at Constantinople is not yet over. Recent accounts state that fresh "discoveries have been made concerning the conspiracy, and it is asserted that incendiary machines have been discovered which were destined to burn the Eu- ropean quarter of the town. The Ambassadors had held deliberations as to what measures should be recommended for public safety.

"Two of the conspirators brought before the Sultan proclaimed boldly the public wrongs they conspired to redress, and accused the Govern- ment of wasteful extravagance, of which the people and the army were the victims. The Grand Vizier had tendered his resignation but it had. been refused; evident dissension reigned among the Ministry, and the fact of a dissolution seemed inevitable. One year's pay is now due to the troops in Asia and the Bournelia. A new loan had been con,tracted under very heavy conditions."

The Patrie,_on the faith. of a Marseilles despatch from Egypt, states that an Envoy of the Sultan had arrived at Alexandria, bearing an order to the Viceroy of Egypt to oppose the continuation of the works on the Suez Canal. The Foreign Consuls had immediately assembled.

'PHA ilitEL—Advices from New York to the 1st October have been received via Southampton.

Some documents touching the San Juan affair have come to hand. In reply to a protest from Governor Douglas against his high-handed proceedings, General Harney wrote on the 6th of August— "As the military commander of the department of Oregon, assigned to that command by the orders of the President of the United States, I have the honour to state, for your information, that by such authority invested in me I placed a military command upon the Island of San Juan to protect the American citizens residing on that island from the insults and indignities which the English authorities of Vancouver's Island and the establishment of the Hudson's Bay Company have recently offered them, by sending a British ship-of-war from Vancouver's Island to convey the chief factor of the Hudson's Bay's Company to San Juan, for the purpose of seizing an American citizen and forcibly transporting him to Vancouver's Island to be tried by British laws. I have reported this attempted outrage to my Go- vernment, and they will, doubtless, seek the proper redress from the British Government. In the meantime, I have the honour to inform your Excel- lency I shall not permit a repetition of that insult, and shall retain a com- mand on San Juan Island, to protect its citizens in the name of the United States, until I receive further orders from my Government." Governor Douglas sent a rejoinder on the 13th. Thanking General Harney for the frank manner in which he states his reasons, the Go- vernor remarks that he is glad to find that the American officer has acted under general instructions and not by direct authority. He continues—

"I will explain for your information that the agents of the Hudson's Bay Company hold no official position in Vancouver's Island, nor exercise any official power or authority, and are as entirely distinct from the officers of the Executive Government as are any of the other inhabitants of Van- couver's Island. To the reported outrage on an American citizen, I beg to give the most unhesitating and unqualified denial. None of her Majesty's ships have ever been sent to convey the chief factor or any officer of the Hudson's Bay Company to San Juan for the purpose of seizing an American citizen nor has any attempt ever been made to seize any American citizen and toAransport him forcibly to Vancouver's Island for trial as represented by you. Up to a very recent period but one American citizen has been re- sident on San Juan. About the commencement of the present year a few American citizens began to 'squat' upon the island, and upon one occasion a complaint was made to me by a British subject of some wrong committed against his property by an American citizen, but no attention was paid to that complaint, out of consideration and respect to the friendly Govern- ment to which the alleged offender belonged, and whose citizens, I think it cannot be denied, have always been treated with marked attention by all the British authorities in these parts." Governor Douglas then calls upon General Harney to withdraw troops not required to protect American citizens, and whose presence in San Juan only complicates the settlement of a disputed question.

g Orig.—A telegram dated Aden, October 1, has been received. No dates are given.

"The bill taxing trades and professions has passed its second reading, and been referred to a Select Committee. The Chamber of Commerce and other bodies have petitioned against it. An Act has been passed enabling the Governor-General to leave Calcutta for the North-West, retaining full powers' for seven months. The clause in the Criminal Procedure Bill ren- dering Europeans liable to preliminary investigation before native magis- trates has been successfully resisted. The rebels on the Nepaul frontier are still troublesome. Some of the discharged Europeans have already sailed from Calcutta. The behaviour of all, except the 6th Regiment (still atBer- hampore), has been good. The correspondent of the Madras Athenmum at Calcutta had telegraphed to Madras that Lord Canning had been relieved, and that Lord Clarendon was to succeed him."

CO .—News from China to the 10th of August. "The Pei-ho and the Grand Canal are blockaded by the British and French ships of war. Admiral Hope is in a precarious state, and will have to be inva- lided. The American Minister was still negotiating about proceeding to Pekin. Ching-Bing-Kang, the celebrated leader of rebels, has been killed by his own people."

Sallfill.—The treaty between the Emperor of Japan and the Queen was formally ratified on the llth of July. It was carried up by our Consul-General and an escort of sailors into the palace of the Tyaeoon, and there the ratifications -were exchanged. Jeddo was dressed with flaks and evergreens.