15 OCTOBER 1921, Page 1


9111E conference between the Cabinet and the Sinn Fein JL delegates began at Downing Street on Tuesday. Mr. Lloyd

George had with him Lord Birkenhead, Mr. Churchill, Sir Hamar Greenwood, Sir Gordon Hewart, and Sir L. Worthington-Evans ; Mr. Chamberlain was prevented by illness from attending. The Sinn Feiners present were Mr. Griffith, Mr. Collins—the head of the " gunmen "—Mr. Duggan, Mr. Barton, and Mr. Gavan Duffy: As if to render their task more difficult, Mr. De Valera

issued on Monday night a fresh manifesto, warning his followers against undue hopefulness. He said :— " The struggle on our side has always been simply for the maintenance of a right that in its nature is indefeasible, and that cannot therefore be either relinquished or compromised."

And, further :— " Of necessity Ireland must stand where she is, unyielding and fearless on the rock of right, or be outmanoeuvred and defeated in detail,"

Negotiations conducted in such a spirit could hardly lead far.