15 OCTOBER 1954, Page 31



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Tao prizes are awarded each week - a copy of the De

Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth. Cen- tury Dictionary . and is hook

ink to for rm. guinea. These will be awarded to the tenders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on Tuesday week, October 26. and addressed: Crossword 804, 99 Cower St..

011110Th W.C.I.

Solution Must he on the form here printed.The solution and the names of the winners will be published in the following Issue.

ACROSS 1 These cats need a beating (3-3). 4 Back number from Printing House Square '1 (3, 5). 8 Musical etui (5, 3). 10 It shows tho way in Proportional Representation (6). 12 The arboriculturist's dilemma, to trim -? (5). 13 It suits the boys of today (9).

14 Milton's were dapper (5). 16 TT Manager (anag.) (9). 17 Agree with the Left ? (9). 19 Uncle's a treat I (5). 21 Neat fairy of the Golden Age (9)'. 22 ' Our wills and - do so contrary run' (Shake- speare) (5). 24 Thanks, hootings forbidden (6). 25 Writer's shadow ? 03). 26 Sing about the summit (8). 27 Mild bird of prey (6).

DOWN: 1 There's a story about the mixed school for the very young (7). 2 Change a pound into coin (5). 3 No doubt the wearer of 5 set off from here (7). 5 Footwear for Hermes (7). 6 Reform's impossible for mc, says the poor fellow (9). 7 Battle-dress material for the Crusaders' opponents ? (7). 9 Revo '/ (10). 11 Danes crowd to pro- duce this (5, 5). 15 Reveal Ben, Dr. Grantly ! (9). 17 Poe's cut enfolded in these (7). 18 Remove 17 for a showdown (7). 19 Slightly different purpose is wordy (7). 20 Millbank - for exhibitions (7). 23 ' Would not we shatter it to bits' to find the book ? (5).

The Solution will be published on October 29.

The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 802 arc as follows: First prize to Miss A. M. STONEMAN, 5 Ferndale, Tunbridge Wells, and second prize to MR. L. V. S1 ANNOPE, 96 Palatine Road. Manchester.