15 SEPTEMBER 1832, Page 13



Consols have fluctuated between 84.1, and 85i during the week, and close this evening at 85. Money has continued very plentiful. It was expected that the Bank Directors, after their meeting on Thursday, would have announced their readiness to discount at 3 per cent. ; but no such notice has been given. The settlement of the Account in the Foreign Funds, which took place to-day, has caused a slight demand for money ; and 4 per cent. was readily obtained on loans for short periods. The Foreign Stocks--with the exception of Russian, Danish, Spanish, and Brazilian—are all at lower quotations than last week. The latter has since fluctuated considerably. The highest quotation on Monday was53. The rumour of disturbances at Pernambuco caused a depression to 504; but the report not obtaining full credit, the stock again rose to 523, and closed this afternoon at 52 : the transactions of the week in this stock have been on a very large scale. The uncertainty which still hangs over the Belgian question has had an unfavourable effect on the Dutch and Belgian Stocks : the former has declined from 441 to 44, the closing price of this afternoon ; and the latter from 771 to 77, which is also the closing quotation. Danish Stock continues in de- mand, and has been quoted as high as 71. Spanish was heavy at 1333 at the beginning of the week ; but a purchase to the extent of 40,0001. at 133 relieved the market, and it has continued firm at 134 to 14.

The news from Portugal, though rather more favourable, has not had any effect on the Regency Scrip : it has fluctuated between 4s and 4 dis. The Por- tuguese Bonds advanced on Tuesday to 49; but have since receded, and are 47k,


Consols have remained the whole morning at 85k. The only activity inani- fested has been in Spanish Stock; in which a few transactions have taken place, but without any material alteration in the price. All other descriptions of Stock

remain at yesterday's prices. •

3 per. Cent. Consols 84,185 Ditto for Account Sh New 31 perCent.Ann. 921 93

Bank Stock India Stock

Exchequer Bills 16 17 p Belgian 5 per Cents. 761 71 Brazilian 5 per Cents. 51121 Danish 3 per Cents. 70/ Dutch 2+ per Cents. 43041 French 3 per Cents. Greek (1825)5 p. Cents. 25 6 Mexican 6 per Cents. 27128 Portuguese 5 p. Cents. 47 8k Do. Regency Sc. 5 p. CL 4 d Prussian (1818) 5 p. Ct. Russian (A822) 5p. Ct. 1001 Spanish (1821) 5 p. Ct. 14