15 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 10


Faun{ EXCHANGE, FR1DAV AFTVI,Nnow, The probability of a large importation of foreign corn has given a shake to the previously firm condition of the Money Market. The last average of wheat was above 73s. per quarter ; and consequently, foreign wheat is now adroit. Ode for home consumption at a duty of Is. per quarter. The quantity upon which the duty was paul yesterday, is understood to have been 600,000 guars tern, being the estimated stock in bond ; and there is every prospect of ea extensive importation. Under these circumstances, there will be a large de. mand for bullion for exportation ; and the anuniut of the precious metals at present in the coffers of the Bank of England will he diminished. The Stock Exchange speculators augur front this circumstance, a decline in the price of Stuck ; and have already depressed the market by sales in anticipation of such an event. Consols, which were firm, and on Wednesday had been time at 941, have since receded to i, anti are Nada), 94i. 4. Exchequer Bills are 71 to 73. Money still continues very abundant, and the business transacted has not beta of much importance. In the Foreign Market, there has been a I irge sale of Russian Five per Cent. Stock at 1121. and the tnarket is still firm at that price. Dutch has improved in a slight degree ; as have all the markets for the Northern European Stocks. Spanish Stock has been but slightly affected ; mal the market at the close of Madness to-day may la. quoted firm at 191. Portuguese Bonds have also con- tinued without variation, and with very little doing In the Railway Share Market. the business has been chiefly confined to Great Western and Brighton Shires: the former were in demand at the beginning of the week at 14/. and 15/. prem., but }Ewe since been as low as III. Ws., and are to-day 13/. to 1.1/. ; the latter me :ivy, having fallen about 1/. per share, viz. from 1/ discount to 21 disci- ma. Some transactions hav.e occurred in the Shares of the Thames Steam To a r'ompany, on winch It, is paid ; and which have been currant at between :, ;la, : !Tern. - PAY, TWELVE trcr.ore. There is scarcely any business here this morning. nil prices both of Stack s.,..!'

and Shales are the same as yesterday. Exchee ovi Bills have licen at 70s. prem., which is a decline of Is, from yesterday ; and Brighton Shales are heavy, being. quoted 2,7; to 2,1 dis. 3 per Cent.Consots 94S 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 931 41 Dino for Acroitnt 94/ 1 Danish 7611 3 per Cetit. Reduced Patch 21 per Cents 53i 44 New :14 per Cent. Art us...... sl lull 2 Nato: stock 2081 Portuguese ltegeuey 5 p.Cts. '.1?1 6

Ditto 3 per Cent.

Itritatmork It ussian (1820)5 per Cent ... 12413411213214 Ditto Bonds -1 73pm Spanish .18:13) 5 per Cent... 191 li

71 84 Exchequer Bills 70 72pm Deferred Stork '-letau 5 per Cents 1004 Passive Ditto