15 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 10

Speaking of the abandonment of the " Appropriation," to:his consti-

tuents at Sheffield, Mr. WARD is reported to have said, that Ministers were compelled to take the course they did by the Irish Members. These are the words of the report- ,' I deeply deplore the discredit which has been brought upon the Liberal party generally by their mistaken views upon this subject.. /ka,ow that them views have been forced upon the Government (and this is their only mute) by the Irish Members. So long as the peasantry. bore the brunt of the tithe war, they cared little about it ; but they succumb...al Immediately when the Exchta quer processes were directed against themselves."

This excuse has been made for Ministers before, but never on such authority as Mr. WARD'S. If it is true that the Irish Membtrs did force Ministers to take the Tithe.bill without the Appropriation, it is fit that all the facts connected with the arrangement should lie made known, and the real character of those Members exposed. Will Ma Want) state some additional particulars respecting this transaction?