15 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 14

Lest our dexterous contemporary should be tempted, as on a

former occasion, to after-reference to an exposed misstatement, we reprint the following, which appeared only in a part of our impression last week. " The Examiner of to-morrow's date turns our modicum of admission in favour of his pet Ministers to account, in the following little article, ,rinted among his leaders- " • A contemianarv who during the sessloa Was in the hobit of sneeritr4 weekly at Spectator, 2:ith June 1S36 ; No. 417, page Article " The Ministes ial lam and Our Own."

St, ..1 dor, Hill July 1 ...; N A.( •• To 31,:bounme.- . tvin milaniers' of conducting the 1,i Ii.' business in Parliament. has krrlite discover% th it the% have improved In the aforess1d nentagement of Imsi• -What is to is. tisiu4lit of his justice daring the bUSSittlt, ut is tr,,i Ii one rit;sfoe, 8'14'93 pay that our contemporary's alliance with the Whigs of Dawning Street bonb„nared his naturally clear peteeptirms! This is what we did sAy by way doamentary on the Eirattriacr's text of the previous week, that • the Govern- ment m„,t undergo some repairs,' for that a deplorable deficiency of the facul- rk, of basineds has hit,ly been observable in l'arliament ID members awl comtlet, appear: to us In ueh the same tn,t Ii •• • The covanawa,, the erapnin., h..:t UI all 1„,„.1,1.. ItOl•IV 11-00% thOSe to task w lil larol II/ 11.1111A IN die I it,1). As Mr the lotsiii,ss lilt it oat', we tyuk ',Masters boo. rather improtea (hiring the last se••ioti. speakin.; of the zoa tiage• TIo• :1:1,1 the l'ao I:1 coec• - 'soot measurep u•ide.streol:r4 !hits nature. :n Bib were gut through in NO time. tile I lor LI. Was gre reir.,ry.dey won tolp•tords; and 8 the nth • mid emimration Rill. were tale' this year ill relehlov. 'h. Urper ['Ouse, last ?ear flow dill not reach it all. rho NIinisters we t•oneeive to be yid they always were. What is to be thought of ' our emitemporary's truth now '—or of his hording SO shabby a bit uf misstatement, with tile mealls of exposure so doe at band?

o The fact in, we made lather less account of the deficiency of the Civilities I hieiness in the last session, than heretofore. We had ceased to regard the o

Wing Government .s any thilig hut a locum tenet's for the Tories. Neverthe

:, it may be pet fectly true, both that the Goveri an.nt had • rat het improved ' h.

in the management of measures ' without regatit to their nem e the Oficial trick of pushing them through their stages—and that the said manage. m nt more especially if ' the nature of the measures were regarded, was still by' enough to justify weekly sneering."—[ Spectator, Sept. 8; latest ed.'