15 SEPTEMBER 1855, Page 4

furtigu nut Culnuigl.

TEE Cittam.—The bombardment of Sebastopol, briefly announced last week as having been begun on the 5th, led to a storming on the 8th, and on the 10th instant the Allies were in complete possession of the whole of the South side.

At present the story of this great action has only been made known by means of the electric telegraph in brief despatches from the Allied Gene- rals ; but they are sufficient to give us a clear however bare outline of this last act of the siege.

The battle of the Tchernaya was followed by the construction of a raft bridge by the enemy across the great harbour,—a work which he had completed on the 28th August, and had used to reinforce the garrison of the Southern side. For several days the Allies were kept on the alert on the Tchernaya, lest the enemy should pay them another sudden visit. The Highland brigade were eent down from the front to reinforce the Sardinians ; and the cavalry and fifty guns were held in readiness to act on the first appearance of the enemy. But he did not appear ; appre- hensions on that score ceased ; and the Highlanders were moved back to the front. Meanwhile, the enormous preparations for the bombardment went on silently, secretly, and well ; and every hour brought the fatal moment nearer. The French had pushed forward their sap, it is said, to the very edge of the ditch round the Malakoff ; but on the 1st September the English were still 150 yards from the salient of the Redan. A heavy fire covered the working-parties; whose picking and shovelling and piling of sand-bags and gabions were much hindered by the brightness of the nights. By accident, a Russian shell, falling on some powder carelessly scattered in the Mamelon, set fire to the great magazine there, and blew it up, killing and wounding several officers and men, but doing no damage to the batteries. The enemy also made a clever sortie, and destroyed some gabions on the advanced parallel of the right attack. But these small incidents did not materially impede the progress of the works. The enemy concentrated his troops between Fort Constantine and the Mackenzie heights. On the bridge there was incessant movement of horse, foot, and stores. Rumours reached the Allied Generals of in subordination in Sebastopol—of mutiny and the shooting of officers and men ; and it is said that the wounded were sent by a long detour to Backshiserai, to avoid the camp, so that the troops might not be dis- couraged by the numbers. The enemy also threw up more earthworks on the North side, with embrasures for guns. In the Allied camp it was felt that the crisis of the siege was near at hand.

At length, the dawn of the 5th September saw the opening of the fire from our mortar-batteries. It was thenceforward continued without ces- sation by day and by night, and must have strewed the enemy's lines with dead and wounded. The bombardment seems to have been carried on by a horizontal fire of artillery and a vertical fire of mortars. But besides the terrible array of land-batteries opposed to the East face, there were six English and six French mortar-boats firing shells from Stre- letska Bay into the Forts Quarantine and Alexander. On the night of the 5th, a shell set fire to a frigate in the harbour, and the light of the blazing vessel illuminated the whole camp. On the 7th, another ship was set on fire, and burnt to the water's edge. The Russians seem to have replied to the "infernal fire" of the Allies with considerable ani- mation ; but the awful explosions that broke forth here and there behind the earthworks told how effectively the Allies pitched their missiles into the Russian magazines. On the 8th, it was determined that the enemy's works should be stormed; and accordingly, a simultaneous attack was made by the French on the Little Roden, which lies on the proper left of the Malakoff, and upon the Malakoff itself. The English directed their efforts against the. Great Redan. To account in part for the result, it is stated that besides being on higher ground than the other works, the Malakoff was constructed in tiers, each protecting the other from the batteries of the second line of defence ; while the Redans on either flank were entirely exposed to the full fire of the enemy's artillery. The rush was made upon the whole line, and on every point the Allies at first suc- ceeded. The French carried the Malakoff, and turned the defences against the enemy ; but they failed to hold the Little Redan, as the Eng- lish failed to hold the salient of the Great Redan,—each withering and wasting away under a terrible storm of grape delivered at short range. In like manner, General De Salles, who commanded on the West face of the town, when he saw the French flag flying on the Malakoff, attacked the Central Bastion twice, with great obstinacy; but was unable to keep his ground, because the first line of earthworks was entirely open to the heavy fire of the second. The issue of the terrible combat on the 8th was, that the French held the Malakoff as the fruit of the assault, and that the bombardment continued.

On the night of the 8th, the enemy set fire to the town and the maga- zines, to cover his retreat to the North side. The suburb of Barabelnaia and the town formed one vast semicircle of fire, within which mines were exploding in all directions. The Quarantine Fort blew up early in the morning; the remaining large ships were sunk ; and the enemy had destroyed his bridge before eight o'clock, leaving behind him five hundred wounded. Prince Gortschakoff, having destroyed his bridge, begged an armistice in order to carry them off; but it does not appear whether this request was complied with or not. On the 9th, the Allies watched the glaring furnace before them, and wisely refrained from entering; but Admiral Bruat steamed up to the Quarantine Fort in the Brandon, just before it blew up, and found that it had been abandoned. Prince Gort- schakoff told his Government that the Allies would find nothing on the Southern aide but blood-stained ruins. On Monday the 10th, General Pelissier went over the town and lines, and found that, instead of leaving nothing, the enemy had abandoned immense establishments, magazines, cannon, and stores of projectiles. On Tuesday the 11th, the troops took possession of the place, and an Anglo-French commission began to make out a return of the materiel left behind. On the 12th, the last of the

ships had disappeared from the harbour, and the means of communication between its two sides were completely destroyed. The positions of the Russian army extended from the coast to the pass of Aitodor. The right wing rested on the North Fort and the sea defences, the centre stood on the Inkerman hills, the left wing lined the Mackenzie ridge ; the whole being protected by many batteries. But as water is scam on the Northern plateaus, and as the communications of the enemy are at the mercy of the Allies, it is conjectured that the former will either attempt to force the Tchernaya—an unlikely alternative—or retreat upon SimpheropoL


Front General Pilissier.

• " Crimea, Sept. 6, 10p. m.—Our fire against the place continues under favourable conditions. Our losses are very small. Nothing new has oc- curred on the lines of the Tchernaya. The enemy is not preparing any movement there."

" Crimea, Sept. 7,10 p. m.—The fire of our artillery has been kept up for the last twenty-four hours. A French shell set fire today to a Russian fri- gate, which is burning at the present moment."

" Varna, Sept. 9, 3 35 a. m.—The assault on the Malakoff was made yes- terday at noon. Its redoubts, and the Redan of Careening Bay, were car- ried by storm by our brave soldiers with admirable intrepidity, to the shouts of Vivo l'Empereur!' We immediately occupied ourselves in lodging our- selves there. We succeeded in doing so at Malakoff. The Redan of Careen- ing Bay was not tenable, owing to the heavy fire of artillery which was poured upon the first occupiers of that work. Our solid installation at Ma- lakoff cannot fail soon to make it surrender, as also the Redan, of which our brave allies carried the salient with their usual vigour ; but, as was the case at the Sedan of Careening Bay, they were obliged to give way before the enemy's artillery and powerful reserves. On beholding our eagles floating on the. Malakoff, General de Sallee made two attacks on the Central Bastion. They did not succeed. Our troops returned to their trenches. Our losses are serious, and I cannot yet send a precise return. They are amply com- pensated for, as the capture of the Malakoff is _success the consequences of which are immense."

"Brandon Redoubt, [Hantelon] Sept. 9, 3 a. m.—Karabehmia and the South part of Sebastopol no longer exist. The enemy, perceiving our solid occupation of the Malakoff, decided upon evacuating the plaee, after having destroyed and blown up by mines nearly all the defences. Having passed the night in the midst of my troops, I can assure you that everything in the Karabelnaia is blown up ; and from what I could see, the same must be the case in front of our left line of attack. This immense success does the great- est honour to our troops. I will send you a detailed account of our losses during the day ; which, after so many obstinate combats, must be consider- able. Tomorrow I shall be able to form an estimate of the results of this great day's work ; a great portion of the honours of which are due to Gene- rals Bosquet and Machiahon. Everything is quiet on the Tcbernaya, and we are vigilant there."

" Crimea, Sept. 9, 8 p. m.—This morning I ascertained that the enemy has sunk his steamers. Their work of destruction continued under the fire of our shells. The explosion of mines successively and on different points makes it our duty to defer our entrance into the place, which presents the spectacle of an immense conflagration. Closely pressed by our fire, Prince Gortschakoff has demanded an armistice to carry away the remainder of the wounded near Fort St. Paul. The bridge, as a precautionary measure, has been broken down by his orders. I am collecting the returns of our losses, and you shall have them as soon as ready. All goes on well. We are vigilant on the Tchernaya."

" Crimea, Sept. 10, 11p. m.—I visited Sebastopol and the line of defences today. It is difficult to give an exact picture of the results of our victory, of which inspection alone can give an idea. The multiplicity of defensive works, and the materials and means that have been applied surpass every- thing known in the history of war. The taking of the Malakoff, which caused the enemy to fly before our eagles, already three times victorious, has placed in the hands of the Allies immense establishments of materiel, of which it is impossible to calculate the advantage. Tomorrow the Allied troops will occupy Karabelnaya and the City. An Anglo-French commission will be engaged to report on the Materiel abandoned by the enemy. The joy of our soldiers is great. The cry of 'Vim l'Empereur 1' celebrates the victory."

From Admiral Brunt.

"Crimea, Sept. 9, 10 16 a.m.—The assault upon the Malakoff Tower was made yesterday at noon, and later in the day on the Great Redan and on the Central Bastion. A gale from the North kept the ships at anchor. The mor- tar-beats, to be enabled to fire, were obliged to enter Streletzka Bay. They fired 600 shells against the Quarantine Nation; and Fort Alexander. The six English mortar-boats, also at anchor in Streletzka Bay, fired about the same number of shells. Last night violent explosichis and vast conflagrations led us to believe that the Russians were evacuating the town. We ascertained today that the Russian vessels had been sunk. The bridge was covered with troops retreating to the North side. After eight o'clock the bridge was de- stroyed. Only a few steamers remain in the. port, anchored near Fort Ca- therine. I approached the Quarantine batteries this morning, on board the Brandon, and ascertained myself that they are now evacuated. They have lust blown up. Our soldiers have left their trenches, and spread themselves in isolated groups on the ramparts of the town, which appears to be com- pletely abandoned,"

From General Simpson.

" Crimea, Sept. 8, 1855, II 35.p. m.—The Allied forces attacked the de- fences of Sebastopol this day at twelve o'clock. The assault on the Malakoff has been successful, and the Work is in possession of the French. The attack of the English against the Redan did not succeed."

"Crimea[ Sept. 9.—Sebastopol is in the possession of the Allies. The enemy, during the night and this morning, have evacuated the South side, after exploding their magazines and setting fire to the whole of the town. All the men-of-war were burnt during the night, with the exception of three steamers, which are plying about the harbour. The bridge communicating with the North-side is broken."

"Crimea, Sept. 10:4-The casualties, I regret to say, are somewhat heavy. No general officer killed. Names shall be sent as soon as possible."

"Crimea, Sept. 12, 10 40 a. m.—The enemy hate-destroyed the remainder of their fleet. Nothing now remains in the harbour."

Sir Edmund Lyons says, on the 9tb, " During the night the Russians have sunk all the remainder of the line-of-battle ships in Sebastopol har- bour."

From General La Harmon:.

"Sadikoi, Sept. 9.—The general assault was made on Sebastopol yester- day. It was crowned by a brilliant success. The Malakoff Tower was taken by the corps' d'armee of General Bosquet. Our soldiers, though they did not take part in the assault, had forty nien killed and wounded in the trenches. The French and English assaulted with real heroism. During

Official List from the War Department.

Officers Killed.—Lieutenant-Colonel Patullo, 30th Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Cuddy, 55th Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Handcock, 97th Regiment. Major Welsford, 97th Regiment. Captain J. C. N. Stevenson, 30th Regiment. Captain — Every, 41st Regiment. Captain J. A. Lockhart, 41st Regiment. Captain G. Rochfort, 49th Regiment. Captain R. A. Cox, 62d Regiment. Captain W. B. C. A. Parker, 77th Regiment. Captain H. W. Grogan, 88th Regiment. Captain H. Preston, 90th Regiment. Captain — Hutton, 97th Regiment. Captain — Ham- mond, Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant L. Blakiston, 62d Regiment. Lieutenant W. Wright, 7th Regiment. Lieutenant 0. Colt, 7th Regiment. Lieutenant R. H. Sommerville, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant D. Dynely, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant H. Donovan, 33d Regiment. Lieutenant A. D. Swift, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant F. Willmer, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant D. suGregor, 97th Regiment. Lieutenant S. Ryder, Rifle Brigade. Ensign Deane, 30th Regiment. Deputy-Assistant Com- missary W. Hayter. Dangerously Wounded.—Lieutenant-Colonel T. B. Gough, 33c1 Regiment. Lieu- tenant-Colonel J. Eman, 41st Regiment. Major F. F. Maude, 3d Regiment. Mej_or S. R. Chapman, 20th Regiment. Captain Sedley, Royal Engineers. Captain W. Poole, 23d Regiment. Captain C. H. Lumley, 97th Regiment. Lieutenant W. Kerr, 30th Regiment. Lieutenant W. M. Jones, 7th Regiment. Lieutenant P. Godfrey, 19th Regiment. Lieutenant A. Goren, 19th Regiment. Lieutenant W. Tompson, 17th Regiment. Lieutenant W. G. D. Massey, 19th Regiment. Lieutenant L. O'Connor, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant C. Beck, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant E. S. Holden, 23r1 Regiment. Ensign C. Michell, 49th Regiment. Severely Wounded.—Lieutenant-Colonel D. Lysons, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant- Colonel Lindesay, 63d Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel L. B. Tyler, 62d Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel D. S. F. Heyland, 7th Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel F. Max- well, 88th Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel S. Unett, 19th Regiment. Major W. Rooke, 47th Regiment. Major A. Cure, 55th Regiment. Major J. H. King, 49th Regiment. Captain Pocock, 30th Regiment. Captain R. Hume, 55th Regiment. Captain H. Bibbed, 7th Regiment. Captain J. Hiekle, ith Regiment. Captain F. Vane, 234 Regiment. Captain J. Butts, 77th Regiment. Captain B. Mauleverer, 88th Regiment. Captain G. R. Beresford, 88th Regiment. Captain R. Grove, 90th Regiment. Captain W. Twiling, 90th Regiment. Captain J. Wade, 90th Regi- ment. Captain R. Sibthorp, 97th Regiment. Captain A. C. L. Fitzroy, R.A. Cap- tain H. Vaughan, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant H. C. Elphinstone, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant G. A. Morgan, 55th Regiment. Lieutenant R. Williams, 1st Regi- ment. Lieutenant R. Caton, let Regiment. :Lieutenant M. Field, 30th Regiment. Lieutenant G. Sanders, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant W. Johnson, 55th Regiment. Lieutenant F. Kingscote, 41st Regiment. Lieutenant W. Davenport, 62d Regi- ment. Lieutenant R. Molesworth, 19th Regiment. Lieutenant 8. C. klillett, 234 Regiment. Lieutenant .1. Williamson, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant F. M. Dare, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant J. Tupper, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant J. Trent, 93d Regi- ment. Lieutenant J. Laurie, 34th Regiment. Lieutenant N. Harris, 34th Regi- ment. Lieutenant W. Lambert, 88th Regiment. Lieutenant E. llopton, 88th Re- giment. Lieutenant L. Scott, 88th Regiment. Lieutenant Watson, 88th Regiment. Lieutenant J. Rattray, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant Sir C. Pigott, 90th Regi- ment. Lieutenant R. J. Deverill, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant Ii. Goodriche, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant R. Goodenough, 97th Regiment. Lieutenant R. Champion, R.A. Lieutenant Tyler, R.A. Lieutenant M. Waters, 77th Regiment. Lieutenant C. Knowles, 77th Regiment. Ensign A. Letts, 3d Regiment. Ensign A. Martin, 11th Regiment. Ensign G. Walker, 89th Regiment. Slightly Wounded.—General Van Straubenzee. General Shirley. General Warren. Colonel the Hon. P. Herbert. Lieutenant-Colonel Mauleverer, Nth Regiment. Major Campbell, 3011, Regiment. Major Pratt, 41st Regiment. Major Turner, 7th Regiment. Major Warden, 19th Regiment. Major Woodford, Rifle Brigade. Major J. H. King, 49th Regiment. Captain C. Hood, 9d Regiment. Captain Dun- bar, 3d Regiment. Captain Rowlands, 41st Regiment. Captain Hunter, 62d Regiment. Captain Chippendall, lath Rement. Captain Ellis, 93c1 Regiment. Captain Perrin, 90th Regiment. Captain Wogiods, 97th Regiment. Captain the Hon. R. Pellew, Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant Parker, 17th Regiment. Lieutenant the Hon. W. Plunkett, 1st Regiment. Lieutenant Cox, 3d Regiment. Lieutenant Austin, 30th Regiment. Lieutenant Parkinson, 95th Regiment. Lieutenant Maude, 41st Regiment. Lieutenant Bayley, 19th Regiment. Lieutenant Prevost, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant Radcliffe, 23d Regiment. Lieutenant Wallis, 33d Regiment. Lieutenant Leggett, 77th Regiment. Lieutenant Haydock, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant Gra- hame, 90th Regiment. Lieutenant Browne 97th Regiment. Lieutenant Fitzgerald, 97th Regiment. Lieutenant Eyre, -Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant Riley, Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant Eccles, Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant Moore, Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant Borough, Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant Playne, Rifle Brigade. lifissing.—Lieutenant H. Palmer, 62d Regiment.

Just before the assault, the camp had witnessed two theatrical repre- sentations. One was at the theatre of the Naval Brigade; where jolly Jack contrived to perform "Deaf as a Post," "The Silent Woman," and " Slasher and Crasher," to the refrain of big guns, and the amusement of 2000 spectators, including the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Rokeby, and many Generals. The Duke led the encore for a hornpipe. In the other representation M. Alexis Soyer was the chief actor. In the presence of Marshal Pelissier, General Simpson, the Duke of Newcastle, scores of general officers, and several " Crimean heroines," he exhibited his famous kitchens, and converted, in his astonishing fashion, ordinary rations into extraordinary food, to the satisfaction of all.

Russia.—According to a telegraphic message from Vienna, published in the Times, the Austrian officials expect that the Emperor Alexander

will be at Warsaw on the 22d or 24th instant.

Intelligence of the doings of the Allied squadrons in the Pacific has been received, via San Francisco. The British squadron under Admiral Bruce, consisted of eight ships mounting 190 guns; the French squadron, under Admiral Fournichon, consisted of four ships mounting 164 guns. Their destination was the fortified town of Petropauloveki, the capital of Kamsohatka. It will be recollected that when the Allies attacked this place in September last year they failed to destroy it, and returned to the Pacific station, leaving behind them two Russian men-of-war, the Aurora and the Dwina. In order to prevent the escape of these Zips, it is said that the Admiralty, early in tho present year, sent the steamers Barracouta and Encounter to blockade Petropaulovski. In the mean time, the Russians had greatly strengthened the defences, and doubled the number of guns. When, however, the Allies appeared before the place in May, they beheld the American flag flying instead of the Russian:. and on landing they found that the town was entirely deserted by the

the night, the Russians retired, after having burnt the town, and blown up the fortifications and buildings, and having sunk their last ships."

From Prince Gortschakojr,

"Sebastopol, Sept. 9, 8 p. m.—The enemy receives constantly reinforce- ments of fresh troops. The bombardment is fiercely violent. " 10 at night.—The garrison of Sebastopol, after sustaining an infernal fire (feu d'enfer), repulsed six assaults, but could not drive the enemy from the Xornileff Bastion (the Malakoff Tower). Our brave troops, who resisted to the last extremity, are now crossing over to the Northern part of Sebas- topol. The enemy found nothing in the Southern part but blood-stained ruins. On the 9th of September the passage of the garrison from the South- ern to the Northern part was accomplished with extraordinary success, our loss on that occasion being but 100 men. We left, I regret to say, nearly 600 men grievously wounded on the Southern side."

The total loss of the English in the attack on the Redan is put down at 2000, but no official announcement of the numbers has been made. The- loss of the French is variously estimated at from 7000 to 10,000 killed and wounded. Among their generals, three have been killed ; and among the wounded, it is said, Generals Bosquet and M'Mahon, slightly—Gene- rals Bourbaki, De Belles, Rivet, Couston, and De Marolles, more or less severely.

enemy, and tenanted only by two Americans and a Frenchman. They also learnt, that on the 17th April, the Aurora and Dwina, with a trans- port carrying the garrison, and three American whalers carrying stores,

had evaded the blockading ships, and escaped in safety to the Amoor river.

Nor was this all : the Russian Admiral, whose frigate, the Diana, was destroyed in Japan, had also escaped the Barracouta and Encounter, and had run into the harbour. These infelicitous incidents are referred to "thick fogs." On landing, the Allies destroyed everything, but found no guns, the armament of the place having been either buried or carried to the Amoor. It is now said that had the attack upon Petropaulovski last year been continued an hour longer, the Russians must have surrendered, as their ammunition was exhausted. After destroying Petropaulovski, the greater part of the Allied fleets returned to their stations on the American coast, passing by Sitka and the Aleutian Islands to San Fran- cisco; some had arrived on the 26th July, and others were

expected daily. Two British ships, however, the Pique and the Amphi-

trite, sailed for the Amoor river. Sitka was spared, as being exempted from all liability to hostilities on the part of the British by a conven- tion concluded between the Hudson's Bay Company and the Russian American Company,—a convention not binding on the French.

Not the least interesting announcement relates to the Amoor or Saghalin river. The British and French ships on the China station, twenty in number, would, it was anticipated, rendezvous at the mouth of the Amoor about the 19th July, with a view of assailing' the place. The Amoor divides Southern Siberia from Mantchooria, and connects the Pacific with the South-eastern frontier of Russia.

" Aa little is known in England," says the Morning Post, "about the doings of Russia in North America and on the coast of China, we quote from an able paper, read in March last before the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, the following description of the Russian fortresses at the mouth of the Amoor. Within the last eighteen months the Russians have availed themselves of their possession of the month of the magnificent river Amoor (which they have obtained by taking advantage of the present troubles in China) to transport a large number of heavy guns, and an immense quantity of other munitions of war, from the interior of Siberia to the Pacific, and thence to their ports in America. By this new seizure of territory from China, and the consequent acquisition of the entire navigation of the Amor, upon which they have already placed several steam-boats, the Russians have been able to secure a splendid naval harbour, and to establish a depdt of warlike and other supplies upon the Western shores of the Pacific, in a climate which admits of navigation during the whole winter, within reach of the great arsenals and manufactories of Siberia, and of the great line of communication running through the latter to the West, and therefore of the whole resources of the empire, and also of their possessions

in America, by which the latter have become of far more importance to them and far more formidable to their enemies. Until England and

France shall maintain a sufficiently numerous fleet in the Pacific to capture er blockade the coast of Russian America, or to capture the new Sebastopol which is fast rising in offensive as well as in defensive strength at the mouth of the Amoor, the latter will constitute the most powerful support and reserve to the former ; and the iron and cordage of Siberia being close at hand, the Russians will be able to build and send forth powerful fleets, that might keep in dread the entire seaboard of our Indian and Australian pos- sessions, or, passing on, at any favourable moment make a diversion in Eu- rope.' The practical result of our operations at Petropaulovski has there- fore been, to cause a reinforcement of 1500 men to reach in safety the new Sebastopol' which Russia has erected at the mouth of the Amoor.'

The intelligence from San Francisco says, "The mouth of the Amoor is defended by strong forts, and garrisoned by from 8000 to 10,000 men."

There is a bar at the mouth in front of the forts ; and it is supposed that the fugitive men of war were unladen to enable them to float over it into deep water. The Gazette of Tuesday contained a despatch from Admiral Bruce, the commander of the British squadron, to the Secretary of the Admiralty. His despatch, dated from the "President, at Petropaulovski, June 15, ' confirms the accounts derived from the documents communicated to the San Francisco papers ; but does not state that the two steamers Barra- cents and Encounter were ordered to watch the harbour of Petropau- lovski.

"I reached the rendezvous, lat. 50° N., long. 160° E., in my flag-ship, on the 14th of May ; and the Dido and Pique arrived the same day : the En- counter and Barracouta had been there since the 14th of April. Great cre- dit is due to Captain O'Callaghan and Commander Stirling for the zealous exertion by which they effected this object ; and their Lordships will remark the promptitude with which they were despatched by Rear-Admiral Sir James Stirling. "The French frigate Alceste and the Brisk were in the vicinity of the rendezvous at the same time ; but the prevalence of thick fogs and adverse weather prevented my seeing the Bay of Acootska before the 20th ultimo; when, six of the ships being together, I trusted to the prompt appearance of the seventh, and accordingly proceeded to the port, in tow of the Barracouta, followed by the Alceste, in tow of the Brisk. The Dido, Pique, and En- counter, arrived the same evening.

" Commander Stirling, of her Majesty's steam-sloop Barracouta, while separated from the squadron, having, during a break in the fog, looked into the anchorage to see if it was there, took, with much judgment, that opportunity of reconnoitering the harbour ; and I was informed by him of the ships being no longer in it." . . . . On arriving off Petropaulovski, on the 30th May, he " found the place completely evacuated—not a ship, gun, or person to be seen—nothing but empty embrasures and deserted houses. I entered the inner harbour on the follow- ing day, in the Barracouta, accompanied by Captain Pennies, of the French frigate Alceste; when we found three Americans, (the only residents left,) from whom we learnt that the Russian ships named in the margin* were cut through the ice, and took their departure, on the 17th (the 5th) of April, with all the guns and munitions of war, and all the soldiers and Govern- ment emplm,M, 800 in number; but of their destination we could obtain no clue I would observe, that the enemy must have worked in an inde- fatigable manner after the departure of the Allied squadron last year, as we found nine batteries for fifty-four guns had been constructed with much skill and labour, by means of fascines strongly bound together, twenty-five feet thick, staked and filled in with earth, said some of them ditched round, with covered ways leading from one to the other, and trees planted in the rest. Every possible preparation bad been made to receive us prior to the orders arriving from St. Petersburg to evacuate the place. I caused the bat- teries to be destroyed ; but, having met with no opposition on approaching Petropaulovski, I considered it a point of honour to respect the town." In the Rakovia harbour be found concealed the Aian, a Russian whaler of 400 tons, built at Abo in 1853. As she was deserted, and as her boats, sails, and anchors could not be found, she was destroyed.

• Aurora, 44 ; Dwina, 20 ; Olivutza, 20. Transports —Baikal, Admiral Bruce states that as he was proceeding after the Russian ships into the Sea of Okhotsk, he met the Amphitrite, from Honolulu. Cap- tain Frederick brought intelligence that the Allied fleet in the Chinese seas was at the Amoor river. This led him to desist from his search, and to send the Encounter to the rendezvous of the Allied fleet, in case they should still be there, and the Pique, Barracouta, and Amphitrite, as a reinforcement to the Amoor. The latter was instructed to return to the Pacific station as soon as her services were not required in the Sea of Okhotsk.

In a second despatch, dated "off Sitka, July 17," the Admiral states that he was able to release, by exchange, two prisoners, an Englishman and a Frenchman, captured last year at Petropaulovski.

The Scotsman publishes an interesting letter from Mr. Easton, the surgeon of the Cossack, captured at Hang°.

" /Vladimir, August 5.—I left St. Petersburg on the afternoon of Sa- turday the 14th of July, I think, escorted by a gendarme officer and two of his men, and travelled along the celebrated but moat uninteresting road from St. Petersburg to Moscow ; reaching the latter place on Tuesday after- noon, and leaving it at eleven o'clock p. m. We reached Wladimir about noon next day, after a fatiguing journey of four days. Here I am planted in the midst of Russia. The Governor is very kind ; and his lady speaks Eng- lish most admirably, and uses it to promote my comfort and happiness by every means possible. In truth, I am overwhelmingly indebted to Lady Annenkoff for her unceasing benefits, taking from exile most of its sting. I have good quarters and kindness from all I meet: what can I desire more, except liberty ? Wiadimir is a very beautiful town, situate on a small river called the Kliasme, which waters the plain above which the town stands. It is choke-full of picturesque churches, very old, and very noisy when their bells are clinking, which is pretty frequently. I send you an account of what came under my knowledge at }Lange. I see from the St. Petersburg Journal very erroneous accounts have been published.

" June 4 or 5—(I am not quite sure of the date)—the Cossack anchored

off Hango, -for the purpose of setting at liberty several Finnish merchant- captains taken prisoners in the Gulf of Finland. On this service a cutter with eleven men, under the command of Lieutenant Geneste, accompanied by Mr. Sullivan, was ordered to proceed on shore, hoisting a flag of truce (white flag). I, hearing there was a boat to be sent to the shore to land the prisoners, thought I might as well take advantage of the chance of a walk, however short. Three stewards were sent in the boat, to purchase, if al- lowed, milk, eggs, &c. Being a medical man, I of course paid no attention to any of the arrangements connected with the boat, so that I did not know there were any arms in her; • nor did I think it necessary to pay any atten- tion as to flags, except that I sometimes called out to let the flag of truce be well seen. The boat, bearing the white flag in her bows lashed to a board- ing-pike, was pulled under the telegraph station ; the Finnish captain, Lundstrom, I think, directing where to land. Inside the point of land on which the telegraph is placed, we found a small harbour with a wooden pier, which we went alongside of. Lieutenant Geneste then gave orders to the sailors not to leave the boat, but to put on the pier the luggage belong- ing to the prisoners. Geneste, Sullivan, myself, the three stewards, and the prisoners, landed on the pier ; one of the stewards taking the white flag with him. We had only taken a few steps when from all sides a fire was opened on us. I saw for the first time soldiers, and, at a hurried glance, I thought about a hundred of them had surrounded us. The first I saw fall was Lund- strom, next one of the stewards. I immediately jumped into the water to get to the boat, but saw she had drifted a little from the landing-place, with several of the sailors seemingly dead in her. Seeing no other means of es- cape, I got under the pier, thinking, if net discovered, I might manage to get off to the ship at night. I found that one of the stewards, wounded, and one of the sailors, unwounded, also one of the Finnish captains, had like- wise taken shelter under the pier. The affair seemed to be over in an in- stant, there being no resistance on our side—in fact no time for it. After a short time, all being quiet, the Finnish captain left the pier, and shortly after returned with men from the village ; when of course we became pri- soners. We were placed in waggons and taken to Ekenas; where, to my great delight, I found Geneste and. Sullivan, with three of our men un- wounded, and three others wounded. While under the pier, I of course did not know the fate of the others, but, from the firing, thought all except the two with me had fallen. We were very kindly treated when prisoners, and everything was done for the wounded that could possibly be done. "ROBERT T. EASTON, Surgeon, R.N.".

Faexcie—Another attempt has been made on the life of the Emperor of the French, it is said by a maniac. Little is known of the occurrence beyond what the Moniteur has communicated ; but the account given by that official journal is believed to be nearly accurate. Following this authority, we learn that on Saturday night the Emperor visited the Ita- lian Theatre. The first carriage of the cortege, containing Count Baccio- chi, attracted little or no attention. The second carriage, which followed at an interval of some minutes, contained the Ladies of Honour. An old soldier of the Empire, who happened to be standing near, and whom the sight of the Imperial Liveries excites to enthusiasm, shouted out " Vive rEmpereur !" with much ado. Hearing this, a young man stepped for- ward, a small pistol in each band, levelled at the carriage ; but before be could fire them, the police had rushed up and struck them down, causing the balls to pass under the carriage. The assassin was instantly arrested. A few minutes afterwards, the Emperor drove up, as calm as usual ; and his appearance in the theatre was a signal for a burst of cheers. The assassin was taken to the Prefecture of Police, and there examined. His name is Edouard Camille Dieudonne Bellemarre ; his age twenty- two. He is slight in person, under the middle height; has a sullen and mean countenance, scrofulous skim, thick lips, dark and small eyes. He faced the Prefect with boldness; avowed his intention of killing the Em- peror, and denied that be had any accomplices. But he subsequently as- serted that Lunge, a bootmaker, supplied him with powder, and loaded the pistols which be used on Saturday. Belleniarre is a native of Rouen. At the age of sixteen he robbed his master, a Rouen tradesman, and was sentenced to imprisonment for two years. When he bad been in prison six months, the Emperor, then President of the Republic, liberated him, " on the ground of his extretne youth." We next find him at Paris, taking part in the fighting at the coup d'etat of December 2 ; avowing himself to have been the author of a placard entitled " Motifs de la Condemnation a wort de Louis Napoleon Bonaparte "; and for this offence he was condemned to twoyears' im- prisonment in a fortress. Sent to BeDeisle as a pealed offender, he re- mained there until January last, when his term of punishment expired. At Belleiale, it is said, he was looked upon by his fellow prisoners, as a madman. " When he was liberated from Belleisle, in January last, the Governor of the prison wrote to the authorities that Barium-re was deranged in his in- tellt c ; that he had the monomania of crime ; and that he ought to be taken care of as a dangerous maniac, who, he was given to understand by his fel- low prisoners, had sworn to attempt the life of the Emperor. Bellemarre used to boast that he in his single person was the aocuser, the witness, and the judge of Louis Napoleon ; that he had tried and condemned him, and that he should be his executioner."

It is stated that he will not be tried as an ordinary offender, but simply detained as a maniac.

An Imperial decree has appeared in the Moniteur raising the Com- mander-in-chief of the French Army in the Crimea to the dignity of a Marshal of France.

Circulars have been issued to the Prefects and the French Bishops directing them to cooperate in offering a public thanksgiving for the vic- tories of the Allies, on Sunday next. Abd-el-Kader arrived in Paris on Monday. He brought with him some magnificent presents for the Empress and her ladies and the Prin- cess Mathilde.

Mr. Roger Fenton has exhibited 350 photographic views taken by him in the Crimea during the year. They will, it is said, be published under the patronage of the Emperor and the Queen of England.

GERMANY.—The Emperor and Empress of Austria reached Isehl on Sunday, from Vienna. Baron Kubeck, President of the Council, died at Vienna on Tuesday, of cholera.

ITALY.—The letter of Prince Lucien Murat has been copied in extenso from the pamphlet circulated on the Continent. The letter is dated the 10th April 1854, and it is addressed to a relation. He says to " Mio taro nipote," that he understands and approves the motives which have suggested an impartial examination of the probability that Italy may emancipate herself from the foreign yoke. "Precisely because it appears to me that I am the only possible solution, I am interdicted from taking any initiative." His vanities, however, have disappeared in exile. It is not because he was born on the steps of a throne that he can regard it as his property, in the way that a pri- vate citizen regards a field as his. The late history of the French, making and unmaking kings, would disabuse any man of that de- lusion. But there is no denying that individuals and families may he bound to the fate of peoples. If Italy called him, he would come ; if she made another choice, she would have his wishes and assistance. Were he instead of repressing the liberty which the constitution would have given to the people, he would rely on municipal institutions, free internal administration, and the concurrence of those whom the country itself should indicate. He urges his relation to con- tinue in occupying himself with the interests of Italy : "but remember," Jae says, " the truth, which is not the less good for being ancient—' No- blesse oblige!'

Deziarsnw.—A letter from Copenhagen shows, that although the Danish constitution is in the throes of reconstruction, the King can find time for archeological investigations.

"Copenhagen, Sept. 8.—The King is gone to Ringstad, the ancient capital of the kingdom, to be present at the opening of certain tumuli, containing, according to the popular legend, the graves of the first Kings of Denmark. The first that was opened was supposed to be that of King Canute Laward; but nothing of importance was found in it. The next tumulus opened was the grave of Canute VI. ; where was discovered a long box or coffin with a leaden cover, which was immediately opened in the presence of the King. There is no doubt that the remains were those of the above-named King, from various regal emblems, and the size of the skeleton, for history records him to have been a very tall and powerful man. In the grave of King Waldemar I. a very interesting discovery was made. Under the head of the body, which was enveloped in a monk's cowl, was found a square leaden slab, not only confirming this as the grave of King Waldemar, but recording the principal acts of his life. On the same day, the graves were opened of King Waldemar the Victorious and his Queens Sophia and Bengarda. Yes- terday the graves of Queen Dagmar and Queen Regissa (the latter the wife of Canute VL) were to be opened. The King is still at Ringstad. It is situated in the centre of the island of Seeland, on the line of the Copenhagen and Corsder Railroad."

MExxco.—Santa Anna is again an exile. He left the city of Mexico on the 9th August, signed his abdication at Perote, and proceeded to Vera Cruz, where, on the 17th, he embarked for Havannah. He was escorted to Vera Cruz by a few faithful troops, who defended him at that city against the revolutionists. General Cerro was elected President for six months, by certain delegates, who met in Mexico on the 10th. They also proclaimed the liberty of the press. A British and a Spanish steamer were at Vera Cruz to receive Santa Anna ; but the accounts do not state which he preferred.

T.Tzsrren STATES.—The North Star arrived at Southampton on Wednes- day, with advices from New York to the 1st September.

The Irish element in the United States has again shown itself in public agitation against England. On the 14th August, delegates from fifty- five towns in the State of Massachusetts met at Boston for the purpose of making "England's difficulty Ireland's opportunity." They adopted "a platform" declaring that this "good time, so long promised, had arrived" ; inviting the cooperation of every society, order, and company in the United States, "whose object and aim is liberty for Ireland" ; and re- commending a general convention of the friends of Ireland in the prin- cipal cities of the Union, to carry out an united system of action. They also agreed upon an address, the practical point of which is that the mode of agitation adopted is that of establishing an " Irish Emigrant Aid So- cietp in every town in the Union,—in other words, societies of United Irishmen everywhere. Ireland is described as resembling " the calm of a vast magazine, waiting but a spark of electricity to touch it to burst forth in terrible explosion." The Irish peasant is described as spurning the " Saxon shilling," turning to reap the harvest with a buoyant heart, and waiting "impatiently for the moment when the trumpet of insurrec- tion shall summon him to the rebels' camp." The New York Herald informs us that the directory of the new organi- zation, although composed of wealthy and responsible men, are compelled to give bonds to return the money raised for the association, should it not be employed for the purpose designed. The same journal points out the recklessness and folly of that purpose; shows that the "opportunity" has ; that no elements can be found in the Union to second this! " filireustetag attempt " ; and is disposed to suspect in the movement some eoncaaled purpose—" some practical scheme," having reference to the pusition of the Irish with regard .to the elections.