15 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 12


[To THE Dorton or ins o flthernros."1

Sta,—In a review that appeared in your issue of the 1st inst. your reviewer makes merry over what he terms "military medical diagnosis" (I quote from memory). The expressions he particu- larly holds up to ridicule are " P.U.O." (signifying "Pyrexia of Uncertain Origin ") and " Afyalgia." The impression he intends SO convey (and apparently that which exists in his own mind) is that the above expressions have been mined by the medical officer, of the Army to conceal their on-n uncertain diagnoses. He will no doubt :like all of us) rejoice in having his mistake corrected. The terms quoted are, like all those used in military medical work, taken from the " Official Nomenclature " com- posed by a Committee of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. They may be right, or they may be wrong, but at least they are supported by the most authoritative professional opinion available. Perhaps your reviewer knows of one having greeter