14 SEPTEMBER 1944, Page 17


(A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, Stptember 26th. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. sciut,c,“ must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. Vic won and r name of the winner will be published in the following issue.)


r. Jam day. (8.)

5. Good game for bomber pilots. (6.) 9. Little securities for the surgeon? (8.) ic. She appeared in a lawsuit concerning a meat ration. (6.)

The student hopes his motto is not " speed the plough." (8.) 12. Was it done with a feather duster? . (6.) 14. Not the ship of the desert, though it

Cale from Africa. (so.) it. Dines three, - it must be a

large one. (to.)

-- by moonlight, proud . Titania." (Shakespeare.) (3, 3.)

23. Tao weapons wielded by one. (8.) 24. " All the perfumes of - will not . sweeten this little hand." (Shakespeare.) (6.) 25. It's turned round and let to some- body unnamed. (8.) 26. They just happen. (6.) 27. Growing bread. (8.)


.1. The favourite gets the gratuity. (6.)

2. Dan goes up to see Mae West. (6.) 3. It might be in gear. (6.)

4. Where different suits are displayed. (2, 3, 5.)

6. Scapula. (8.) 7. Metal against cash? (8.) 8. His used to be a poor look-out. (8.) 23. What's freer (anag.). (to.) 9. A single-minded fellow. (8.) 6. Let's go up and come down late. (8.) 17. Patron saint of marriage? (8.) 19. Medical man and what he deals with. (6.)

20. Steerforth threw a hammer- at her. (6.) at. I'm the mail. (6.)