16 APRIL 1864, Page 2

The proprietors of the Bradfield Reservoir are evidently men wise

in their generation. They are not going to resist the claims of the sufferers by the recent inundation, certainly not ; they are going to be liberal to the last degree, to pay all claims, and apply to Parliament for power to raise 400,0001. to satisfy the demands on them. Only as it might be difficult to borrow that sum without new security, they are also going to demand power to raise their rates for supplying water. In other words, they intend to make Sheffield pay for all time to come for its insolence in being drowned by their water. It is really a clever proposal, but we question whether the Committee on Private Bills will not consider_ its framers a little too astute. It is a little too Ince asking the payee's endorsement to strengthen the payer's bill.