16 APRIL 1881, Page 1


GREECE has yielded to the Powers. That, at least, appears to be the impression received everywhere from the reply of M. Coumonudouros to the "Identic Note," warning him that 'Greece had no assistance to expect in the event of war. In that reply he is said to have accepted the proposal of the Powers, subject to the condition that the actual surrender of the assigned territories shall be guaranteed, and that the %Christians of Epirus shall be protected, by the concession of ,autonomy, or in some other way. It is difficult to see how the Powers are to accede to either request. If '"urkey breaks faith, force is the only remedy, and if force is to be applied at this stage, it might have been applied to carry out the decision of Berlin, As to Epirus, the Powers can no more overcome the resist- ance of the Porte to good. government than its resistance to cession, without action to which they are too jealous of each 'other to resort. The Epirotos may obtain protection from the Albauians,---or from their own courage ; but they will obtain none from Europe, which has betrayed them throughout. The conclusion is most unsatisfactory, and lays the seeds of endless future troubles.