16 APRIL 1881, Page 3

The election for 'West Cheshire, vacant by the death of

Sir Philip Egerton, will be watched with keen interest. The Liberals have secured a very good candidate in Mr. Tom- kiuson, who is intimately connected with the county, who as a banker iu Liverpool is widely known, and who resolutely upholds on all points the action of the Government. Mr. Tollemache would seem to be the regular Tory squire, and an acceptable candidate to his party on all points but one. He does not see his way to rail at the Irish Laud Bill. As we pre- dicted, the farmers are by no means inclined to vote that tenant- right is an iniquitous infringement of the rights of property, and Mr. Tollemache, to the amusement of local observers, finds it convenient to pledge himself only " seriously-to consider " 'the Land Bill. That means, of course, that he will not speak against it, but will vote against it as a whole and in detail, unless the chiefs of the party otherwise determine. It is quite possible that many Tory farmers may "seriously consider" whether they quite wish that, and stay away from the poll.