16 APRIL 1881, Page 3

The St. Petersburg papers announce that Lord. Dafferin, of whom

they speak in a friendly spirit, is to succeed Mr. Gosehen at Constantinople almost at once, and congratulate Europe on the selection of a man who understands Russian views. Nothing whatever is known of Mr. Goschen's destination. A rumour was spread recently that Mr. Gladstone designed him to be his successor as Chancellor of the Exchequer, bat the 'County Suffrage Bill is still in the distance, and until that great measure is out of the way, it is impossible for Mr. GoRchen to enter a Liberal Cabinet. His natural destination during the interval would be the Indian Viceroyalty, where he would be invaluable; but there is no evidence whatever that Lord Ripon's convalescence is not complete, or that he has any intention of returning to Europe. With Lord Cowper in ire- laud, Lord Dufferiu in Constantinople, Mr. Goschen in retire- ment, and the Duke of Argyll in retreat, a good many men seem to be getting a little out of their places.