16 APRIL 1898, Page 25

Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories. Edited by J. Paul

Rylands. (Chetham Society.)—This, is the third volume of "Lancashire and Cheshire Wills," beginning with the year 1563 and bringing us down as far as 1807. They lack the interest that was to be found in the earlier documents, though for the purposes of the genealogist they are not less useful. Few of the names are of much importance. One of the exceptions is Sir Thomas Grosvenor of Eaton, ancestor of the Westminster family. One of the testators, James Wood, clerk, was dispossessed on St. Bartholomew's Day. It is noteworthy that he forbids a " drinking " at his funeral, bequeathing, in its stead, £7 to the Poor.