16 APRIL 1921, Page 3

The Prime Minister, in acknowledging the receipt of Mr. Thomas's

third strike threat, asked him why he and Mr. Williams had determined " to inflict such a serious blow " on their fellow- countrymen. To this pertinent question the " Triple Alliance " leaders had no answer ready. The Prime Minister reported the matter to the House and deprecated any debate in the hope that wiser counsels might prevail. The moderate trade union leaders, who always have to save the " Reds " from the conse- quences of their own weakness and folly, were summoned to meet on Thursday and were active also behind the scenes. The only disturbances so far reported occurred at Thornton Junction, Fife, on Tuesday night. A mob of miners, whose war-cries of " Up Dublin " and " Up the rebels " showed plainly that they were Irish immigrants, raided the station, assaulted the railwaymen because they were at work, and looted some goods wagons as well as the village shops. The police were quickly on the scone and arrested a score of the rioters.