16 APRIL 1927, Page 16


the SPECTATOR.] SIR,-- In reply to several enquiries, may I say that the Italian title of the poem to which my recent article referred is " La Cavalla Stoma " ? Giovanni Pascoli (1855-1912) began as a disciple of Giosue Carducei. There is a brief but useful reference to his life and work in Edmund G. Gardner's admirable little Italian Literature, recently published in Messrs. Bern's Sixpenny Library. In the Biographical Appendix-to this little book, Professor Gardner says, " English readers would do well to begin Carducci and Pascoli with the Antologi5 Carducciana of G. Mazzoni and G. Piceiola, and Poesi di Giovanni Pascoli with notes by L. Pietrobono (Zanichelli); they are poets who need commentaries." That is perfectly true. I have not found " La Cavalla Storms " in two or three English anthologies of Italian verse among poems by Pima ; this poem may possibly be iri the Oxford Book of Italian verse, which is unfortunately not within range of me-here, nor eau I say whether there is any English translation. No doubt some of your-readers will know. I copied dein' the poem when living in Italy.—I am, Sir, &c.,