16 APRIL 1983, Page 21

Birthday party

Sir: The short response to Richard Osborne's letter (26 March) on whether Deutsche Grammophon should choose Brahms, Webern, Gibbons or Rameau for a centenary splash is: if they have anything resembling the complete works of the last three mentioned on any one of their labels — why don't they put it all together and celebrate? A full centenary is more worthy of note than a half one, and Brahams is not a better composer than the others. The answer is that they haven't the material, and anyway they are interested in maintain- ing Brahms's reputation high because to do so very much suits their set-up. My point was that if DG, wit their well-deserved reputation, could take a risk, they might reap profit as Decca have done, while in- creasing appreciation of first-rate com- posers.

A. S. Henry

32 Larch wood, Keele, Staffs