16 AUGUST 1834, Page 11

THE atlialY.

31 Ttegt. 1.i :10. Cra;:s.---Livut. NV. .1. Dov.tcs to ly Adjt.

-.1at A■:.pitatte only. ti 1,ight .,1 Of:MS.-4'01111g

Who0111S; T. 11:1!.111:1


• . Ilagart ; It. from the 5,111 hno, lie

e:.,•11,tuges. Gmlras-Cat t. the lion. 11. T. y I 'nail ached, to Is• !.ieut. and Cao'. 'a'' I ii bier. appointed

• . :1egt. l'oot -C,:pt. V. Blois to be :,!ajor, 1.; purchase, vice : Lieut. 1V..1. M. Ilogle, to be Capt by plicha :-.,.x1e,• ; ',,Z1111..1111 ray to be Lieut. by purchase, lie, Ilimbes. 53,1 I 'oot -1 '.,pt. Ml. Gaul- bar, from the ticots Fusilier Li 'lards, to be Copt. vice J. II, Dad-tv, ia vu a retires upon 57th Foot, on the 13th it nue tett. is %as, 3,a 1. 4 promoted. and not VII, mo atsi 1,i,•ut.4'01. J. T. Mt et. ,t11111 ha11-pn■ a a:tat-bed, 1.'4- 11,1...iiittol to re- half pay ['oat:ached. 56th Foot -Lieut..1. Churlewoo:1„ from half-mty Unattached. to

Turinr, (.ei,t, H. tat 'a (tem.

nioted,us pretio!e-ly I jell:AN:1. 1,. • ttp..11 half-pay of tile It Fo.t.

t ha. fri.in the Army, by hi,, sale of i. eau .•Colett..lvies. IIs a!eing about to become settlers in OW (.1■111111,S. purehase, NiCeIV01,101., ult•realit41. 5:301 Foil-i. S. Hobson. Gent. to is. Ensign. by' 'MI Light Drags. to Ito Sag, vice Limier, is ha exchanges. 81st I. I !jell. J. 1).

exeltalWes. 97111 •M jol• .1. C.,:ophell (tale of Ow 57th Foot). lato C..,3'21,a- to be Sevomi Lieu . by ',melt lit ley.

to the Foe,', serving to the I seeward Islands, ith the rank of Lieu:A...I. in a' a' ViCi. l'iCkerSIC). W110 place; tient t'atlet I.. Frost, front the It4a1 Nalitnry College, to be 111,-,igty t!tueltase, Craigie, who retires. 51Ith Foot -Surg..1. G. Ilibbert, M II. tram i lie :•teyeti,on to le Major, by pora.,., ie. the Myoi•lis of hour,. minuet, .1 • Li a. C. .k. Net hereate, I ieut, to be he,imt by pureltzt,e, vice Francis, who ret;te•. 111s. it - ('art. T. F.. 11!•.okwall. from Ili, half pt.). Coattacited, to be (apt. %ice L.

1.ietit, by parellase, ; W. 11. Cope. from the 81:4 Fo .1. to I., Fir.t

B titre. awn the 56111 Foot, to be Lieut vio• Cope, appointed to the 11 i0.• • ; NI.

F. I.s.,pier to be ("apt. lay p.,rel, •e, s ice S'.evensoa; Seeldia Lieut. li. Petl!!) te • First

hi iii. It. I %%be r.•:ires upon led f.pay- Cuattached; Lott; C'. 11us.s 11 Rifle ; 0, thrtic..., from the 52.1 Foot. l'iotttae110,l, to be Major, s me J. 'l's Ii', nho emo...toges. Hine a a. NI. to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Worsley. what., promotion, by puia'itv'' h,a at'! taken

St.iff---Maj,e J. '1').1er, i1:1161,,ty tu 1Ih•ptily 111muoranda.-The ale:ointment of Mr. J. A1I to Ito Ensign, by pny lima,. in the 11,-evet --•Capt. C. C. \isiaa.,i 7t1, Light 1 tr,,gs. to be Major in th-

11,s;tital Stall-To I. As,,ist..Surgs, to the Forces-G. 0. nobertAet, tit.; It.

i:11:11111e11,..! -aro IN. 1,3,j,,r Nfaoptis of It IT,. f.0'111 the

Lbmt. vice liaillio. appointed to the 81s1 Foot. 57th Foot -Ensign F. II. 2. acksua Atezmt Item• )r moons Cornet NV. Jones, fror: ah half pay

of the 1st Drag,xna Corn •t, %ice Knox, promoted. WI, 11, gt. of Foti: -Ellsitto T. kl. .a•` half-pay 1.1' the 1Sit Fit, to be 1.:1,!, al !apOinil.d to the .; a a F011t 411 ant (1.11:1..1. Timmys,:a to Ii,'' a t of taut. a G. It. Thompson, nem halr ray I :tn.:. nom 11to 6th 1.6w,

a. , 1.111;1•;,1, 1.y

tottMn, 1,■ MO!. a. M.O. 10 lie rio..1,10,1 ill li■t• (tail who tea kin 'upon half-pay. Ut.attachm-Capt. W. N. :a Foot, to Major, 1.y purchase; Limit, till! 11011. 3. C. 11,..t. f., , , . by pit rcbase.

Ihoupial StaIr--Ass7st :1. 1'. ti• .11 111111111.1y Of the Stall'Corps sf

Cav311'N , 10 laC. to Ili, I Brevet -.Fla! ute"eratentl:mo :• ,•, the tho -t Tmlia Company's service, to have 1.,,,,,1'orary rink a Eta-la, , peried oil., ii being pla.e.11111aia`r Ole CO11113111114 or Col. l'asley. of the Ro■ 1.111gineers, at rhat:itim, for 11,10 ite.tr:etions iii

the art .014 minittg-Gent. Cadet C. C. Joine,tou ; Gent. C;e1,•1 J. 11111; Gent. Cadet II. 5' sad,

Nlemeranda-121,e Ulu istian nara•••., of l'.1e•ign White, of the S4th are Liwrabee

Luke Esunnele. Nlaj,r J. Nleuzie, half pay Unattached. has been ail ,,wed to

retire from the .'Irtuv, with:4.1 • of a a 1:11:11Lacheil majority, he being al,o,it t,i itevorne settler in the Culotti;,,.

OFFICE OF ORPN.%NeF. August 11.-Royal Itegt. of Artillery--Ceut. ("a let IL M Mundy to be Second Lint, site V i.lola, ,se, promoted.