16 AUGUST 1834, Page 16

"Yesterday afternoon, about three o'clock, a most tremendous riot, for

the time it lasted, took place in Great Chapel Street and the Broadway; West- minster. One of the constables of the B division seized a basket of cucumbers belonging to a poor woman, which she had placed on the pavement contrary to law; and a struggle took place. Several other women interfered, and the cucum- bers were pitched out of the basket and recovered. The mob had now increased, and the constable was attacked by the women ; who tore his coat to pieces and pelted him with mud, cabbages, and oyster-shells; and with great difficulty he got clear from their fury."—Morning Paper.

This constable of the B division received the due reward of his folly. What an ass he must have been, to fight with a legion of women! The result of the battle is what he ought to have foreseen; for in a contest with women, men, armed or unarmed, have not the least chance—they are invariably drubbed.