16 AUGUST 1851, Page 2

The latest arrivals from America report movements, both in the

Northern and Southetn divisions of the New World, the results of which may be important. The first relates to a second invasion of Cuba, the nature and success of which are as yet rather pro- blematical. The second is the defection of the interior provinces of the Argentine Confederation from Rosas, and an attempt to combine those states, the Banda Oriental, and Brazil, against the dictator of Buenos Ayres. The ascendancy of Roses is obviously in greater danger than it has ever before been ; owing mainly to his overweening estimate of his own power, and the provocations which that over-estimate has encouraged him to offer to BraziL These petty revolutions have little immediate interest for Europe, unless the La Platen movement should prove the means of setting French and English diplomatists together by the ears, or the Cuban lead to misunderstandings between our Government and that of the United states.