16 AUGUST 1856, Page 9



There has been little alteration in the English Funds this week : the fluctuations have been within the range of 1 per cent ; but the market has borne a slightly improved aspect, having been strengthened by increased confidence in the general results of the harvest, and by encouraging accounts of the gold-productions in Australia, announcing the yield to be in excess of the corresponding period of last year, and confirming the new discoveries in other localities. On the other hand, the speculators for a fall have evinced greater boldness, and on Monday there was a sale of 100,0001. Con- sols for the Account : other sales have since been effected, and being distri- buted among a limited number of dealers through the absence of many from town, there is less chance of an immediate return to buoyancy. Con- sole have been dealt in during the week at 95 to 951 : yesterday they closed

at 95k, and 95I i for the Acconnt ; today there is no alteration, and there has been very little doing. ban,k and India Stocks have not varied ; Ex- chequer Bills Is. better.

In the Stock Exchange, money is worth about 41 per cent, and there is- not much pressure - out of doors there is a steady. demand. The position of the French Market is still uncertain ; the variations amount to i or a daily. It is believed that arrangements are entertained for the establish- ment of a State Bank in Turkey ; the capital to be 3,000,0001., and the bank to be allowed to issue notes to that amount.

In the Corn Market there has been a recovery of Is. The gold and specie arrivals have comprised 75,0001. from New York; of which 40,0001. is for Havre, 60001. from Brazil, and 734,0001. from Australia ; the greater portion of the latter has been purchased for transmission to the Bank of France.

In Foreign Securities, very little alteration has been exhibited, and the transactions have been unimportant. Turkish Six per Cents are 4 better ; Ditto Four per Cents 4 lower.

Railways have been very quiet, owing to the little speculation afloat. Yesterday the Account was arranged, and the principal transactions for some days preceding had reference to that event. Today there has been rather more activity, and in some cases an improvement of from 5s. to 10s. per share. Since the issue of the Directors' report, Great Western have been inquired after, and they have advanced nearly 2/. ; they are now 6.54 1 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 98i 9; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1061 74 ; London and North-Western, 1071 8 ; Midland, 8441 ; North- Eastern-Berwick, 85 6. The operations in Foreign Shares have been principally in the French descriptions, and they are rather higher,—namely, Northern of France, 1/. ; Paris and Orleans, Western and North-Western of France, las. ; Eastern of France, 58. The Indian lines are weaker.


The English Funds are i better this morning : Consols for Money are 954 4, and for Account 954j. Exchequer Bills 9 13 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 62,0751. The returns of the Bank of France for the past month are more favourable; the previous statement showed a reduction of 2,000,0001. in the stock of bunion - it has now recovered to the extent of 620,000/. • but this has been obtained through premiums paid for a supply from this side amounting to 46,0001. In Foreign Stocks, Buenos Ayres and Venezuela have declined 1 per cent, being now 83 6 and 31 3 respectively. Railways present very little difference —Great Western, 6.5; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 98g.

3 per Cent Consols


Dutch 21 per Cents 64 6 Ditto for Account 95 Ditto 4 per Cents 96 8 3 per Cent Reduced 95. Mexican 3 per Cents 221 3 New 3 per Cents 96 1 Peruvian 41 per Cents 81 3 Long Annuities


Ditto 3 per Cents 57 9 Bank Stock 217t 181 Portuguese 4 per Cents 49 51 Exchequer Bills 9 1 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 111 13 India Stock 234 6 Ditto 41 per Cents 98 100 Austrian 5 per Cents 87 90 Spanish 3 per Cents 441 51

Brazilian 5 per-Cents

101 3 Ditto Deferred 241 5 Be an 41 per Cents 97 9 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 8 Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 8 Danish 5 per Cents 103 5 Turkish 6 per Cents 1031 4 Danish 3 pe Cents 83 5

Ditto 4 per Cents Guarateed .

1031 44


The report of the London and Blackwell Company states the receipts for the half-year to have been 37,8561., the expenses 17,0131., and the profit 20,8421. The dividend will be 3s. per share for the half-year.

In the financial statement of the Great Western Company for the half- year ending 30th of June, the total receipts on revenue account are entered at 704,6501., the working and other expenses 282,0801. ; leaving a balance of 422,570/. There is a disposable sum of 109,732/. ; out of this a dividend is recommended on the Consolidated Stock at the rate of 24 per cent per an- num; this will absorb 102,953/., and leave 67791. for next account. The increase in the gross receipts for the half-year amounted to 56,8831. The receipts on the two Shrewsbury lines amalgamated with the Great Western Company have been 116,0171., and the working and other expenses 73,428/. ; leaving a balance of 42,5891. to meet the interest on loans, preference shares, &c., amounting to 68,3481.: the deficiency of 25,759/. is charged in the general revenue account of the Great Western Railway.

The dividends to be declared at the meeting of the North-Eastern Com- pany will be at the rate of 4 per cent on Berwick Stock, and leave 8565/. ; and 24 per cent on York and North Midland Stock, with a balance of 6000/. over.

The Lancashire and Yorkshire Company at their next meeting will de- clare a dividend at the rate of 41 per cent per annum.

The report of the Midland Company states that the increase of traffic for the half-year compared with the corresponding period of 1855 amounted to 65,171/. The dividend is to be at the rate of 2 per cent on the Consolidated Stock.

At the meeting of the East Lancashire Company on Wednesday, the re- port was agreed to • and the Directors were authorized to convert any part of the debenture debt into perpetual annuities at a rate not exceeding 4 per Cent per annum.

The Turkish Government propose to establish a State Bank at Constanti- nople, with a capital of 3,000,000/., and the privilege of issuing notes to the like amount. It is to undertake to negotiate a 5 per cent loan for 5,000,0001. at 90, to be applied to take up inconvertible paper and debased currency ; the interest on which, together with 1 per cent for a sinking-fund, is to be provided for by the revenues and tributes of the Danubian Principalities. The concession for the Bank is to be granted to those among the competi- tors who will offer to take the whole or the largest portion of the loan : "but," says the Times, "as at the present value of Turkish Bonds in the London market, that transaction would involve a loss of about 4 per cent, and it is also alleged that further large sums are likely to be required to clear off the expenses of the war, there seems little probability of any re- spectable capitalists being willing to entertain theproject." However, on a subsequent day. the Times stated that the project for the establishment of the bank is " seriously entertained in very influential quarters."

A "General Pawnbrokerage Company" is advertised. The proposed capital is 100,0001. It is propose to purchase pawnbroking businesses al- ready existing and to establish others.

The General Credit Company, commencing with a capital of 20,0001., propose to make advances of money on securities, repayable by instalments, to persons not possessing banking facilities. The scheme appears to have a geed deal of novelty.

The North of Europe Steam Company have declared a dividend at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. The company is to be placed under the limited liability law.

The General screw Steam Company intend to wind up their affairs and diaaolxe. The contract of the French company to purchase the fleet has been brokea ; but a sale is other miarters at satisfactory prices is'hoped for.

The notes of the Hemel Hempstead and Watford Bank--:Messrs. Smith and W.hittingstall—were refused payment on .Thursday by the London agents. Mr. Vi'hittingstall died a few weeks back ; his executors hesitate to assume responsibility without full investigation, but an impression pre- vails that the deceased died possessed of large property. The surviving partner is a solicitor. The note circulation of the bank is 19,3661. ; the total liabilities are estimated at 70,0001.

The deficiency in the assets of Messrs. Marzetti and Sons, who failed about a month since, is estimated at 18,003E, the total claims being taken at 39,0691. The sudden termination of the war with Russia caused the fall of the firm, as they bad made large could... o ants to the East, which remain unsold. The creditors feel much sympat y for the house, and have resolved that the estate shall be liquidated uader inspection.

The wine-trade statistics for the past half-year show a reduction of im- ports amounting to 5560 pipes ; while the deliveries for home consumption and export exhibit an increase of 4700 pipes.

Sir Samuel Peto has been engaged to construct the Empress Elizabeth (Western of Austria) Railway.

The capital required for the first joint-stock bank at Hamburg was thirty million francs : the applications for shares represented 1200 naillions.

A French company have commenced running steamers between the Spa- nish ports in the Mediterranean. The Spanish steamers that have hitherto plied on these stations are very inefficient.

It is stated that 700,000 quarters of wheat have been shipped from the Sea of Azoff since the peace.

CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday August 15, including season-ticket-holders, 40,164.