16 AUGUST 1856, Page 9



The journals of the morning do not abound in news ; but they con- tain some statements of fact, and a few rumours of average interest.

The Moniteur of yesterday announces that on Thursday the Emperor received in a private audience Baron do Brunow, Envoy Extraordinary of the Emperor of Russia, who, on the part of his Sovereign, presented to his Majesty the collar and the order of St. Andrew. Prince Gortschakoff, Commander-in-chief of the Russian armies, and Captain Lisiansky, Aide-de-camp of the Grand Duke Constantine, were also presented to his Majesty.

The appearance of M. Thiers in company with the Count of Paris and the Due de Chartres at Hamburg has caused some sensation: Tho Count comes of age on the 24th instant ; and the Hamburg correspondent of the Daily News states, " on excellent authority," that on his birthday the Count will publish a manifesto, " in which he will openly repudiate the idea of a fusion with the Comte de Chambord, and take his ground on the claims of himself and his father to the French throne, without any pretensions to be looked on as the adopted son and successor of the Comte de Chambord." It is further stated, that a rough draught of the document, from the pen of M. Thiers, has already been discussed at Hamburg. It was thought that the manifesto would be published there ; but the whole party suddenly left that city on the 12th, fur England. Some say that the authorities, instigated by the French Minister, intimated that their presence was disagreeable.

The Empress of the French is the patroness of all the educational es- tablishments connected with the Legion of Honour. One of these is called the Maison Imperial Napoleon. On the 13th, the Empress per- sonally distributed the prizes to the pupils, and heard them perform some musical pieces. They in turn presented her with "a counterpane which they had embroidered for the cradle of the Prince Imperial."